It probably doesn’t help that we still use their terminology, “influencers”, instead of what are likely more accurately descriptive terms like “’net randos”, “unvetted bloviators”, or “lying shills”
It probably doesn’t help that we still use their terminology, “influencers”, instead of what are likely more accurately descriptive terms like “’net randos”, “unvetted bloviators”, or “lying shills”
They also exist to steer unsuspecting young women into adoption arrangements. There’s some serious ethical and legal issues with these outfits.
Is there a single documented case of anything worse than pennies or toothbrushes being handed out on Halloween?
“If one child dies from this on Halloween, I gotta tell you, we have to take action to stop this right now,” Trump said.
I grew up super religious like this. No trick or treating, no costumes, no Charlie Brown Halloween special, Beetlejuice, Harry Potter, Charmed, etc etc. and all teachers were to send me to another room if there was an event.
This is why it always cracks me up when manosphere guys try to use fear tactics on women, and tell us we’re useless without a man and need to lock one down quickly before we “hit the wall.” It’s such obvious fear-based projection. Finding a man is as easy as falling off a chair for most women. Men are the ones in…
I think this reticence is why plenty of people actually tip less up front than they would otherwise, because there’s no legitimate way to tie your tip to the quality of service without tipping cash, which many people are loathe to do for a variety of reasons.
It’s not a legitimate question. Rape survivors’ DNA should not be entered into a searchable criminal database. End of story. Rape victims are not criminal suspects, regardless of what they’ve done in the past or may do in the future. Putting them in that database is so wrong and will have a chilling effect on the…
Maybe people will tell me I’m missing the point, but...if the test you’re using can be fooled by a bagel, maybe you should find another test.
They just gotta decide what “facts” to make up first.
Dad the whole purpose of the trip was to get away from you.
YEP. I’ve noticed the narrative on some of the bigger networks seems to be focusing on the white men but there were PLENTY of white women there, just as rabid as their male counterparts. In fact, the “bullhorn lady” who is barking out directions and floor layouts to other rioters seemed to be SUPER involved. There’s a…
Holy cow! The Prez tested positive for Liberal Hoax.
I just can't believe she ever came within 6 feet of him.
There’s a lot to take in here. Portals. Lambs. Blood. Blood of lambs? Oh, sorry blood of jeebus. Misread. Gloy of God? That’s a new one. Obviously Paula Deen is too late, the devil is in control. Otherwise Trump and his minions would be languishing in the ICU for the foreseeable future. Did I say Paula Deen? Oops,…
It’s always in the eyes, isn’t it?
Rich person falls through hole, damages luxury goods and sues. Low income customer falls through hole and breaks arm/leg: Gets saddled with medical bills and/or doesn’t receive proper care, is permanently affected but without money or resources to sue.
No it isn’t. They aren’t creating a monument or funding the building of grave markers honoring the Africans sold by the Jesuits, only sending funds to living descendants in Lousiana - I personally know one from Maringouin (Jessica Tilson) who informed me of this. This ignores direct descendants living elsewhere in the…