
I’ll be 49 next month. At 20 years older than the women mentioned in the article, am I too old to think about running? I’d have to move back after years of living abroad and raising a family but I think I could possibly do it. Crazy idea?

Mike Penis. Love it and will be using it from here on out. (I’m only mad that I didn’t come up with that first.) 

That is a TERRIFYING signature.

Chicago-style: deep dish racism.

I practice this & believe me, it ain’t pretty. May god help the recipients of my tough love tactics.

Which things precisely are they expecting to trickle down? Lots of things trickle down but I’m pretty sure I don’t want to be standing underneath most of them. You know: like urine, diarrhea, poorly conceived stimulus plans...

I blame home schooling, charter schools and vouchers.

Historians of Religions salute you for this post.

HIStory in the making.

This is a necessary reminder to him and his Republican buddies that the clock is already loudly ticking for 2018. They need to be constantly reminded how unpopular he is and that they risk everything by going along with his most extreme policies. Let’s drag this out and get that mandate WE need to scare them with the

So is a wall. And building walls and roads to the wall to build the wall will create jobs. With industry & towns developed (more jobs!) for the purpose, out in the middle of the desert. Not in Ohio or PA. It’s going to look a lot like for the Hoover Dam during the New Deal. Except this is more like the Shady Deal.

I give him 2 years before he quits under pressure. Then he’ll pretend he needed to get back to business and his family in Trump Tower.

Might work for some but personally I can’t imagine walking my brown, afro-wearing ass into a neo-Nazi meeting & being like “hey-oh I’m here to embrace my white heritage! Look, I made up this Hitler Dab!”

Let’s not forget what decades of homeschooling has done for/to the population. We are officially the dumbest m@therf*ck**s on the planet by choice and are scurred of what our children might can learn in regulated schools with certified, educated, trained teachers. You know the ones with all that fancy, elite,

Oh that’s coming. I gua-rant-tee!

I’m just happy that in this Trump climate, people still get fired for this. That’ll be the entirety of my Thanksgiving sentiments. [sigh]

His failure as a president would be our nation’s failure as a whole. By hoping for his success, I don’t mean his success in enacting the worst of his campaign promises but instead hoping that he gets a clue, puts the needs of others in front of his own ambitions for a change - and actually manages to not screw up the

Attn Trump voters: 2 new jobs just became available in WV!  

Nope. He’s president now. He can tweet whatever he wants, when & if he wants. And he doesn’t HAVE to learn to use a computer. And stop trying to tell him to lighten up on the junk food too or read a book. Nobody is the boss of him anymore. It’s like Charlie Brown’s grown-ups “blah blah blah blah tweet tweet tweet

Oh damn! This is what I get for writing in “Putin”.