
I'd love to think getting rid of this outdated law that is harming jobs and manufacturing would be on the top of Congress's list of things to do, but I'm sure there's a vagina walking around free out there somewhere.

Mikey had gotten used to hearing the slither. At this point, it was almost a comforting noise. The snake thing would slide out from under his bed and press its long body on top of the covers, dancing its fangs across Mikey's neck and hissing cold breath in its ear.

I suspect we've all already been incepted many times and this is all a ruse to convince us it can't possibly have happened yet.


Stoners smoke like a big dog eats his food.

Sounds like journey went punk.

Will we get a screen shot tweet of Amanda Bynes calling Michelle and Barack Obama ugly on Twitter, in today's TweetBeat?

I'm a little surprised to see those ferry trains from Germany sitting as scrap. I rode on those, or at least one exactly like it, in 1997. It was the coolest thing too; we rolled through Germany, came to the ferry terminal and the train rolled straight on to the ship. We got off and walked around the ship as it

This reminds me of why I find the Steampunk aesthetic appealing. The old-timey steam engines manage to look both functional and whimsical at the same time... On the one hand, they look like giant boilers with wheels strapped on, because that's largely what they are. But on the other hand, they also look like they

I think the whole "it's getting better for women all the time" thing is a fallacy. Things were looking great in the 90s, but then the Paris Hilton "tee hee, I'm so stupid" craze came in and I think we massively regressed. We're starting to pick up the pieces now, but it's difficult. I would say that we are not as

That's why I find it so odd that people are jealous of European cars—they are usually underpowered. You can't say with one breath their cars are better and with the next say that a midsize sedan with under 200 hp is undriveably slow.