
Basically, what sunk the Corvair compared to the Mustang was that the performance models were pretty much "real" sportscars in the European mold - but Ford had figured out that what people wanted was sporty looks and flair, in a car that was otherwise as sedate and comfort-oriented as the cars they were used to.

Good thing it's not your bag. Because it's totally mine, and let me tell you, not only is it an almost supernatural time sink, some of the "database entries" (i.e. stories) are also legitimately frightening. Like, can't sleep frightening.

It reached much further than just South FL. My very own father - a respectable Georgia businessman by all appearances - managed to get the family fortune seized and only narrowly avoided jail time because as it turned out a good part of his activities involved investing other people's ill-gotten gains into his

I see your point re: Hulk, but have you ever considered that the writers might just get the order "Just handwave it in a financially efficient way, not like anybody except the nerds will care"?

Not to mention that his grand plan to be a great man in today's world amounts to "Have 100 grand, buy Tesla". Also, I feel ya on the elitist thing - it's telling that he essentially equates "breadwinner" with "loser".

Oh wow. It's almost impressive how Mr Giesler manages to be a smarmy ass-kisser while also being a hugely arrogant and self-aggrandizing jagoff. Is this dude angling for a job a Tesla in case his awesome academic star doesn't quite rise? Or did he just wake up at his desk with a boner and figured he would just channel

Fitting, seeing as how this might well end up being the apex of traditional automotive culture. There is just no way with cars being transformed so fundamentally, that the act of driving itself won't be in for a paradigm shift. You should count yourself lucky that you get to experience what I'd bet is the ultimate and

I like the future this car promises, but I'm not sure it's quite an honest promise. I do think the technology will trickle down, and I think we have a fighting chance to avoid the whole climate-apocalypse thing.

He just uses hand controls with an ingenious (if challenging) set of hand controls

We make fun, but there are circles where having only one yacht is a source of serious social embarassment. It's among the leading causes of mild annoyance among the super rich, which if we eliminate the emotional damping factor of money, works out to severe anguish.

Ok, time for a little philosophic ranting. The modern Cadillacs are fine cars no doubt, but they also show clearer than ever that we as a nation have become just so sober, dour even, and I hate it. Handling and efficiency is all well and good, but where's that middle-finger? A Cadillac should be a little gauche. It

Here's an unsettling thought: maybe they don't intend to market it with a V8. Perhaps the top-of-the-line engine will be a boosted V6... *shudder*

No, really, the A40's tuned versions were all over the racetracks back in the day, and the one driven by Pat Moss and Ann Wisdom at the 1959 Monte Carlo Rally came 2nd in class for standard series production touring cars up to 1000 cc and 10th overall.

That's unemployed actors for you, always trying extra hard in case a producer is watching.

I think Bechdel herself has said numerous times that she's quite the perfectionist and extensively references photographic material to get things to look just right. In that way she's very much an oldschool comic artist - not to knock on webcomics in general, there are some great ones, but with some you get the

Side observation: Key and Peele have some serious budget for their show. That or realistic CGI is just that cheap these days.

I see Torch finally found a story that enabled him to use a pic from that massive folder of shirtless John Barrowman pics he has on his hard drive. Hacking confirms the path is C:\Users\TheHumanTorch\Pictures\Assorted_Hawtness\JB_noshirt\

I get that in the modern luxury market it's all about badge cred, but I'm kinda sad to see vanish the idea of a Cadillac as a sort of "people's luxury car".

"Strap myself to the seat with some manner of... belt? I must say old chap, that is a most queer proposal indeed! Believe me my good man, to allay the risk of death would be to diminish the nobility of the sport. You would not wear a bulletproof vest to a duel, now would you?"

Yeah, but as I was trying to explain, it would mean giving up on the things I specifically love about this car. And the mileage isn't nearly bad enough to outweigh those subjective likes.