
With all due respect, that article was bull. 800hp? You'd figure even with the tire technology of the day, a Hemi Charger would have been able to lay down better times than mid 13s with trap speeds of around 105mph (which is the best results testers got), if it indeed had had 800hp. As it was, trap speeds suggest

It's definitely not Theo Albrecht. From the little that is know about him he hates fun and loves only efficiency and produce stacked on shipping pallets.

I wonder how long VW will let this go on. On one hand, Skoda is apparently super competitive in the lower-middle class price bracket, its most prominent victims being the French contenders.

You're right, 383 vs 440 probably doesn't make that much of a difference. Too bad they didn't offer the first-gen Charger with the 340.

The problem with the 440 and especially the Hemi is that they exacerbate the already massive front-weight bias. Say hello to massive lateral pull even under normal braking.

I wouldn't do that without at least the factory heavy-duty suspension, and a set of tougher aftermarket leaf-springs out back.

It's generally taken to mean "not espresso" in Europe.

That's intriguing. I know about SAE-gross hp vs modern hp, which is why I said above that the 383 probably has around 260hp net - because that's what other manufacturers were getting in today's hp from four-barrel engines around 400 cubic inches. Any Mopar enthusiasts care to chime in?

I dunno. A BMW 335i is a good one and a half seconds faster to 60 than even a (stock) 440 Charger. It stands to reason you should be able to feel that difference, it should feel faster than the Dodge.

True, the acceleration feels more instant. I still think the sound and the fury have even more to do with it.

These oldschool V8s really feel more powerful than they are. A stock 383 four-barrel has what, maybe 260hp net? Less than any modern snoozefest V6 anyway.

Don't worry about that. The last cars with engines that would flood (i.e. carburetted engines, as opposed to fuel injected) were made some time in the late 80s, so your Honda is no danger of that.

I wonder what the price difference is today. Probably much less.

Art all too often becomes navel-gazey. Have you ever been at a vernissage or a gallery opening? I used to have a boyfriend who was a sculptor and most vernissages or gallery openings I attended with him were basically excuses for those involved to congratulate each other for their superior sensbilities.

It has a similar boxy look and even proportions, but the Granada didn't have the sweet DOHC V6 and refined suspension the 130 had.

Someone once explained it to me this way: high fashion is like abstract art - it does not depict or reflect the real world, but it uses the tools of the painter/the tailor to make a statement about the real world.

I get your sentiment, but I think if you don't "get it" better not judge.

Lego sure has come up with some crazy stuff since the time played with it in the late 80s - early 90s. I remember how I used to fight with my mom who always was very insistent on buying me "girl's legos" (me being female), when I always wanted the car and train sets.

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The best part about this one is hearing the voice of a dude (presumably the owner of one of the struck cars) going into total ragemode, just before the video ends. From what dashcam vids have taught me, I wouldn't be surprised if this situation ended with a savage beating for these idiots.

These videos (especially the meteorite vids) are amazing displays of absolute unflappability. If these things happened in the US, the videos would be full of people hysterically screaming "Oh my GODD!!", "OH LORD JEEYSUS!!" and "HOLY FUCKIN SHIT TOTALLY GOT THAT ON CAMERA BRO!!".