The windowline and overall body shape are definitely more A6 though. The A8's much wider and the windowline is different, whereas the windowline of the A6 is an almost exact match.
The windowline and overall body shape are definitely more A6 though. The A8's much wider and the windowline is different, whereas the windowline of the A6 is an almost exact match.
Ah ok. Well, what's the harm in signing up I guess.
They got around that by simply claiming that the 2D, the last-gen 3D and the current-gen 3D games are all set in their own respective universes.
C'mon, that is obviously a GTR. Look at the windowline, almost an exact copy. They do occasionally switch the names around.
Or better yet, the Maibatsu Thunder commercials in Vice City - "with the power of fuel injection" *female voice* "Inject me!"
As I posted, it'll likely be called "Maibatsu Penumbra" which is all kinds of clever.
The name is brilliant - I always liked the Chrysler = Schyster pun, and "Fusilade" is thematically close to "Crossfire" - a "fusillade" is an old military term for what is essentially suppressing fire.
Cool, I was wondering when we were gonna get a retro Mustang in GTA. This one particulary looks like a retro version of the 71-73 bodystyle.
Don't forget it gives them another opportunity to insert their trademark snarky humor - the Audi RS4/6 inspired model is called the "Obey Tailgater".
So were most of Led Zep's songs, on the first two albums anyway (which opens up the whole "cultural appropriation" can of worms - it's really just old blues standards played by white guys, and the black composers never even saw a dime). Doesn't make it any better IMO.
There really are perciously few male acts from that time that don't have at least one weird misgogynist ramble in their catalog - even Jimi Hendrix has "Hey Joe" amongst others. It never really let up either, in some genres it has only gotten worse.