
Of course he had to drive that fast. I mean, it's a coupe with pop-up headlights. It's practically a Porsche 944!

Thanks! But should I ever manage to get COTD again, I'll have you know that I'm Miss CarnivalOfBowls and also straight. Should make you job a little harder ;)

I dunno, compared to 90s fast Chevy or Ford sedans they probably do. I've never driven a 90s S6 (or any S6), but I do know the contemporary Taurus SHO isn't so sharp in corners.

There are many European cars that are awesome - just not with the engines that most Europeans order. People generally refer to the 3-liter biturbo bruisers when praising Euro cars.

Meh. My friends and me smoke together and get along just fine. Maybe I just can't stand smoking with anybody who isn't them anymore.

Today, we'll be preparing... YOUR KIDZZZ AHAHAHAHAHA!

I've heard that, too. A quick check of urban dictionary suggests it is the more popular term. I don't know what "the kids" call it today - I'm in my 30s myself.

My main problem with WOT was that Rand is so incredibly uninteresting. He's so ridiculously good. Which makes sense, seeing how he's essentially Jesus. And the Dark One... talk about thinly veiled.

But that explanation is no fun at all.


His beard is 100% naturally grown, though. Unlike his favorite food products.

I'm too old and to Southern to ever really have experienced techno's brief popularity in the states, but when I lived in Germany for half a year, it was everywhere. In general, Germans didn't seem to care that the 90s were long over by that time.

But does it have a Scooter performance?

Subtract the cars and you have every mainstream German festival ever.

It's just Scooter. Three dudes. The blond one calls himself HP Baxxter. Don't ask me how I know.

Furthermore, if you can present proof of purchase of said ticket, you'll be awarded with the official Jalopnik Baller Medal. You know you want it.

From my short time in Europe, I'd estimate that about half of the European population drive cars with less than 100hp, and in the southern countries, what seems like a majority make do with 50-60hp microcars.

Emergency crews will come with big vehicles and the space around the crash is most likely tight enough as it is. If there's traffic or hard terrain around make sure to leave them enough room to do their job.

I know. I should have said "white Californians". It's like when people say "Southerners hate black people" - it's almost true enough to be a truth (I should know, I live in the South), but it ignores the many black people who live here and, despite all, identify as Southerners.

This completely shatters my view of Californians as people who, by and large, massively despise Latinos.