
You know, the penis is obviously measured from the point where it exits the body, but that's not all there is. Maybe the average male has just gotten fatter, so more of the penis is inside the body.

I generally like the value rating. I don't think I'll ever be in a position in my life to afford a car of that price range, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily bad value.

You're right, I was making more of a general point, but I acknowledge I failed to address the actual comment you were making. Sorry for that, I did not mean to "play dirty".

I'd a agree, but I really think it's important to make a distinction between someone recounting their personal experiences - which may or may not be in line with what we beleive to be true and right - and people claiming hurtful bullshit as some sort of absolute truth.

In my youth, I was the polar opposite of Jen Kirkman, music-wise. I was raised in the South and I really came to love southern rock bands.

Aw, Neil Young! Not gonna lie I have a soft spot in my heart for that man. His life has been far from perfect, but I grew up with his music (my dad was a big fan) and even though his current problems are of his own making I've always rooted for him, and he's always seemed to have his heart in the right place.

Now if only all women with substantial power would use that power to improve the situation for all women, or humanity in general.

Male executives obviously don't have to wear makeup, but "sensible" (read: boring-ass) hair, clean shave and expensive, yet dull suits are expected from them, too.

Whitman is the one who ran for governor of California, right? As a Republican, she's definitely not immediately sympathetic to me, but what has she done that qualifies her as an "evil bitch"?

First order of business will be creating artificial oceans on Mars.

I'm going to see this as much for Lena Headey as anything else. She's a great actress and I really hope her role doesn't turn out to be some trite sexist cliché.

Those teutonic cinder blocks... I heard they're slightly trapezoid-shaped. This slightly improves stability while also making them incompatible with American cinder blocks.

It looks great, if a little too massive. But then, which modern car doesn't? Safety first, I guess.

It all pales in comparison to many old-school RPGs - and I mean old-school as in late 80s, early 90s stuff like Might and Magic or The Bard's Tale.

I was an exchange student in Germany in the early 90s, and one of my memories is of this big tram stop at the city's main station where I had to change trams every day witha couple other students. It was like a small station itself, with multiple tracks.

Gotta second ellie101, the actors were told it was a movie about an egyptian prince, basically a low-rent comstume flick, and their voices were supposedly later partly overdubbed so the real anti-muslim propaganda wasn't in the script they were given.

Yeah, I feel like Bethesda really tries to appeal to smart gamers, and even more importantly, they listen to what the players want.

Well, not everyone wants to be a powergamer. There's nothing wrong with playing on "easy" and just being in it for the experience. I usually only start with the powergaming once I've thoroughly explored and experienced the world of a game, long after I've finished the storyline and a good part of the side quests.

Enchanting's not that hard either, just takes long. I simply made runs into Dwemer ruins again and again. The constructs all carry soul gems, which I collected to soul trap the shit out of the Falmers deeper down. Plus there's lots of enchanted items to disenchant later.

Meh, this is too small-scale for me. Ever since I've been to Disneyland, I've been thinking about how to derail the Monorail and get away with it. I mean, it looked totally rad in Batman Begins, now imagine that plus the hilarity of Goofy getting crushed under tons of mangled, bloody steel!