Carmelo Yello

You're friends with Jim Irsay?!?!

+1 Cincinnati Steamer

Assuming Hernandez could get work release from the hooskow on the weekends, that is.


Good thing Jovan Belcher killed himself after killing his partner or you might have to do some hard thinking about supporting the NFL.

"It's a long way to travel to get from "have seen" to "if ... saw," but Peter King got there, somehow"

If you don't think Mario is doing that exact same thing right now, then brother, you don't know Mario.

Hull also picked up Ben Arfa from Newcastle. Since we already have plenty of guys who can score :(

Das Funny

Counterpoint: It's a fucking sign and you don't own it. Put up your own bacon sign on your own private property or bacon selling establishment. This was a private business and they can do whatever the hell they want even if it hurts your sensibilities.

You're one of the lucky ones, being able to remember playing high school football and all...

No, the ball\turf interaction on sport turf doesn't mimic that of real grass in a appreciable way, having played on it quite a bit. The bounce of the ball is weird, it kicks up rubber from the surface when a ball is played with pace, and a whole bunch of other oddities.

I dunno...I mean if you watched The Big Hurt run the last couple years he played it was certainly possible he was suffering the effect of a 'rhoid problem

Get off your fucking high horse and get down on a 5-way or a coney. I mean you relocated to Cincy, you aren't that fucking smart or cultured.

Ugh, I think someone cut his drugs a little too much to begin with

"Take, take! Is blank checkbook for turning blind eye!"

She's a gritty grinder that does things the right way.

tl;dr Leitch has a crush on ScarJo, the Cardinals of actresses.