Carmelo Yello


Which is pot.

And he didn't even mention the secret ingredient.

What were shoe lifts?

As someone dating a gorgeous woman from MA\RI I say this: find the French women, they don't disappoint and they know how to cook.

Have no fear Dom, Dusty will fuck this all up for Cincy. Hell, he's got Ludwick batting in the two hole tonight and decided to pitch a guy who's had a couple starts coming off an extended stay on the DL.

Read it using his voice in your head...problem solved

You mean the Revolutionary flag-style number right?

You get the hell out of here with your math on a Sunday morning, ya hear me?!? Unless you're calculating fantasy points you can GTFO.

Sure it sounds like big place, until you realize that 7,500 square feet will be dedicated to Whitlock's dressing room\feedlot and server space for Olberman's collection of New York City sunsets.

As you should be, he's on a massive tear right now. That free kick was amazing, world class stuff that I didn't honestly think Jozy had in him until recently. Going to AZ and scoring a ton of goal has done wonders for him and his confidence.

Let's hope he doesn't get mired in NW England like Cisse seems to be at the moment.

That's what I meant by making waves...if he can become a serviceable striker for a shite time like Sunderland then he's showing progress. As long as he doesn't do it against the Toon, I'll be happy.

I look for him to make some serious waves for the Black Cats this year.

LeBron seems to be doing ok....

That's an incredible story! But one is left to wonder what you were doing hanging out with Hideki Matsui?

Coke Zero?!?!? And you're complaining about testosterone being a poison???

I'm guessing you're a selfish lover

Better hurry up and win now son, the Wheeden window is closing fast!