
This is indefensible. And yet there are people in the comments to his post arguing that we're only hearing one side, that racism is a harsh thing to accuse anyone of, and:

This whole thread makes me so happy.

Ah, yes "human male infertility". The council has dismissed this claim.

No doubt at the behest of their Turian and Asari (misandrists!) overlords! Wake up sheeple! The Illusive Man was right!

You. I like you. Didn't expect to see this, but I'm happy I did.

My money's on a secret genophage. I'll bet those damn Salarians are involved!

You just broke the comment euphemism density record.

We have to stop criminalizing teenage dumbassness. Teens will always be stupid. That's what being a teenager is for.

We don't need to teach men how to empathize. Men have empathy. They're socialized poorly, but they have empathy. We need to break down the barriers (ie, hegemonic masculinity) that prevent them from feeling comfortable expressing that empathy.

I feel like there's a joke here I'm not getting.

"He's being completely honest and not shoving it down your throat."

Yeah, I hate to say it, but in my social circle of 30something women, the most successful women are also the single, child free women. Maybe it's because the rest of us got mommytracked, but I've noticed successful women who don't want to date less successful men stay single by default.

And the Mako relationships helped Asami's characterization. In the second season when she's concerned about Mako and Korra, it's not that she wants to see them break up, it's that she genuinely cares about her friends and wants them to be happy.

It's a bird with a beard!

This totally applies to positive stuff too. Anecdata time! When my fiance does well (gets a pay rise, gets put on an important project) I shriek with joy and hug him and congratulate him and feel like I've achieved something too. When something goes well for me? "Aww that's great sweetie" and I get a hug, and we never

I'm just noticing the trend of black women being on the front lines to protect the images and lives of black men from police brutality and discrimination but many don't seem as concerned about issues that black women face..including gender based violence.