
What will reality tv do without offensive people?

That commenter quite literally said they care about policies more than the person. So if Biden does take the time to speak to those leanings before November, they would likely vote for Biden.

If it is the case that you were never going to vote for anyone but Bernie Sanders in the general, then you were never going to vote for President in the general.

I’m Latin American and pasty white. Should I return my passport and forget I speak Spanish? This isn’t about race and there isn’t a right or wrong way to be Latino. Be critical of people on the actual substance of what they’re saying, not their identity.

They seem to ignore that Latino is not a race and that there are indeed millions of white people living all over Latin America and who are as Latino as those with darker skin. When your entire argument is that Oprah is being ignorant (and she is), it would help not to be ignorant yourself. 

First make the poor poorer. Because, you know, winning and bootstraps. Next save the babbies. Then rend apart the gays. No more marriage for you. Finally, ban all gender reorientation surgery. It’s coming to a state near you.

Sorry, do you mean the article or my comment? Washing hands is vital to stop the spread of disease, that’s well established and not in dispute, but simply washing your hands doesn’t give you a stronger immune system, which is what the article implies.

Gonna continue to pass on film reviews from a gossip columnist, especially when they're obviously not the target audience, and clearly have no expectations of even trying to enjoy it.

I’m with you. Boy being attracted to women is not a problem. Assault and consent are the problems. But situations like in the ad, real or imagined, are not contributing to rape culture.

I see reading comprehension definitely isn’t your forte. Show me again where I defended the ad?

I was more mad about the dead animals, mostly because I think you’ve got the storytelling purposes twisted.

Yep. And it’s not just because of what you’re taught growing up. I guarantee a lot of hetero guys who make less than their SO hear about it pretty regularly from family and friends of all genders.

And therefore no one is allowed to be better than anyone else in a hobby. I lift weights as a hobby but the ifbb pro bodybuilders can’t be better than me cause it’s a hobby. I should be able to enter competitions for bodybuilding and be scored as well as them cause it's a hobby.

Duh! (no pun intended.) Facepalm. I was having a brain fart, I guess. Thanks :)

In a normal environment I would say you are totally right that could be a thing. Streamers on the other hand know they are on camera and make decisions on how and where people view them. It’s a lot harder to use the logic of “they just appeared on stream without any through to it” when the cameras are set up to make

So. Like. Let’s be real. Online harassment isn’t okay. That’s a fact. Name calling isn’t okay either. Calling a woman a slut because she wears low cut tops is just dumb.

But if there is no bad behavior that is found after impartial inquiries?

“while male characters come in many more shapes and sizes.”

I’ve always found this topic to be interesting — I’m a man with some sever body issues around weight and general fitness. Most of the male characters in video games are just as ridiculously idealized as women in games are, and I don’t recall ever feeling worse about myself for playing as those types of characters. I’m