
Good sex, bad sex, butt sex.

Thanks Elbe, that does make some sense from the shooters stand point, that it is validation. Sadly, from what I learned recently reading about some of this ‘Incel bullshit’, some of these assholes gain validation under the idea that they are “born to be rejected.”

I’m understand people holding the parent socially responsible under the assumption they could have done more to curtail a healthy world view. That includes teaching their boys how to manage their feeling and how to select non-violent outlets. The benefit to doing so is that if that social responsibly gains media

That is were I disconnect from the thought process.

I honestly think everyone gets this wrong.

Now playing

The psychology will never be that easy, though I hope it is for this guy. Their have been many discussions between men about this and the disassociation issues. IE.

I just imagined someone spitting their cereal milk out of heir mouth laughing at this.

Really shows the disconnect he has from his words and their potential impact doesn’t it.

Study find men are playing video games instead of having sex with their significant other; then turning to porn and masturbation for sexual relive causing a boom in the porn industry. #spin

Second link is a lot better than the first. That first link has a lot of, issues... Some stuff seems dead on but other sections...

My understanding is she turned down the job a left. No one batted an eye.

Something that has always bothered me is how ‘in a vacuum’ and compartmentalized everyone thought process seems to be. These accusations come together to form a picture and some behaviors that can be seen as offensive can also be seen as defensive given the right circumstances.

Time dilation is real... accounting for it is necessary for GPS to work...

Talking while eating means your more likely to receive the massage from your stomach that your full before you go for seconds. my two cents

Hey their friend who was supposed to be a “G” never showed...they could not have foreseen how badly it would got without him.

I think this is another case of everyone rushing to their defensive positions instead of asking the hard question about the entire environment men are growing up in and focusing on that.

No, Link is right, it’s 95% at most... 96% is way too high a percent. Besides 5% is a MASSIVE difference in today’s industry. U Ned 2 lern be’ta Isanetrasher.

Yeah, that sounds about right. Just wait till an android rips out someones organs and you buy them replacements from traders only to have them die as the doctor enters there operating room.