
looks like a Bieber-cut to me..

It's a shame sex and orgasms are so missunderstood between men and women.

He said he couldn't get the swelling down, but he had never seen this new treatment.

So, while we are on the topic(pantslessness), has anyone else noticed a sudden uptic in the amount of utility kilts being worn by men?

pttf...I made the mistake of thingking a paladin was gonna be cool preBC.... The entire class was was one giant raid macro. Target Hunter cast blessing of kings... >.>

It would be interesting to see a woman writer/director combo that does cheese syfy made for tv movies.

{working to mobilize "domestic and international efforts to end...child,early and forced marriage (CEFM) within a generation."}

She should have kept a spreadsheet showing the decrease in ejaculate over several months.

I think he decied to keep the hair, cause i don't see magic breasts anymore. So I would image he did change back.


When get these jobs they have you sign paperwork that says your responsible for getting the check paid by the customer. If you fail to do so 3 times you get fired. Your managers will offer you two options. Pay for it(with tips) and they will pretend it didn't happen or take a write up for failing your contract.

"he has about 100 dresses and eight pairs of children's high-heeled shoes"

"Maybe boys are better at negotiating their allowance?"

"My biology professor always made a point to comment about the male species' abbreviated, "inferior" little Y chromosome."

I've long believed it was a political thing. The whole idea of the "Family Unit" falling apart and causing financial burden on the state via increased child support and need for social services due to low income individuals. That where the "real fear" of sexuality is coming from.

I take a lot of advice I read on this site to heart, especially if it's on how to help remove sexism from society , but this advice seems a little...

I want so bad too find a 'penis with a suitcase opening a door to a house' gif. Alas, this hole in the internet will have to remain unfilled.

Male perspective! It's very awkward to buy condoms with the thought in the back of your mind that you getting them to "test them out." Also when I was younger I was in a small town so everyone knew everyone. So the local store staff all knew who I was even if I didn't know them. It was not easy to get stuff on the

Like the article said , these moves look impressive, but may not be difficult to perform.