
I'm not suggesting men not use protection. I do,however, belive that everyone looses in a conversation about getting men on right page when we talk about procedures that don't help them for any meaningful amount of time, they can't afford and might possibly harm them permantly.
That doesn't even help women! By removing

I'm not suggesting men not use protection. I do,however, belive that everyone looses in a conversation about getting men on right page when we talk about procedures that don't help them for any meaningful amount of time, they can't afford and might possibly harm them permantly.
That doesn't even help women! By removing

I fine with the "other forms of birth control", but vasectomy really needs to stop being tossed out on these lists. For older men, who often have less financial concerns any way, it's a great deal, but young men it's not a good idea....

I can only speak for the US, but Mark Koss studies were correct I recall her putting out a number around 5% of men. That by the way, that is still a crap ton of men, more men then there are Jewish people if a recall. If another studied a read about rape is correct the average date rapists harms between 2-10 women

Wow now I feel really De-evolved, ha. Sorry if TMI, but I still have 2 "spines", I never knew what they were till now.

I have read all this as well and much of it is the the fuel behind the ideas of returning to focused education methods. On top of that studies are emerging that show associating education with activation of the reward sections of the brain increases grades (IE: Getting paid for food grades). ADHD drugs have been used

Your assuming grades is the reason they drop out of college. Your right about the data showing them failing out of high schools, but it only shows that men score slightly lower on standardized college tests.

"avoid acknowledging"... No no, you miss understand. I was saying, because men are the more dangerous drivers(ex:Stop light drag Racers) or bigger car drivers, unless there are less men on the road I don't see how the roads would be safer/ lower emissions.

Oh, that much I understand and agree is fantastic. Being in my mid 20s it did slip my mind. I often forget about the past because it hard to find a woman my age without a license. In fact most of them had license at earlier age then me or at least a car to use it with. My parents didn't trust me :p

I don't understand, it feels like this article is missing something. Are they saying this is because fewer men getting their licenses? So less men on the road thus less environment impact because men are being driven by their Wives/GF/Moms/Female friends?