Carlos Garcia

You’re right. Most small creators don’t make much more than $100 but you have to take in account that $10 bucks in america is a cup of coffee, but in some other places it’s a living wage. I am an Youtube partner since 2006. Back then I had a blog that was kind of making it over here in Portugal and we tried our hand

Why doesn’t NBC just air the original instead of trying to break it in order to fit the mold?

So cool of the marketing department to completely screw us out of a movie. Is there anything left to reveal? Is there a reason to go see this now?

Isn’t this a rehash of Gaikai?

Or we’re just living inside a simulation and Kevin messed up again.

I was interested in this but after reading your review this game seems a lot (like, a lot a lot) like Adventure Capitalist but with a fancy UI and a thin layer of gameplay in it.

“Rey is basically this movie’s answer to Luke Skywalker”

So all of us not in the US can just suck it, right?

You should read “Where am I?” by Daniel C. Dennett - it’s a short story/essay that goeas along the way of SOMA’s story.

I am now in the future.


I was thinking exactly the same. Time for an update on Fear.

Today was the day that I died.

So... Mark of the Assassin?

I’m sold.

The Last of Us is an amazing experience. And it’s only for PS. I think.

Now, the only thing I wanna know is where can I find your thesis?

You sir, have won the Internet!

I think there were two Initial-D references: the Trueno and the cup with water placed in the cup holder.