Go see a dentist, all that kool aid will have consequences
Go see a dentist, all that kool aid will have consequences
And once again, another uneducated idiot is exposed by their own ignorance. -Cartman- ... Excuse me, ‘Respect my Authoritah’, please educate yourself on what the term ‘racist’ actually means.
Using “racist” as an insult works best when knowing what that actually means. Islam, being an ideology, is not confined to a race. This confusion is probably what caused the false parallel between assimilation of ethnicities and nationalities and followers of an idiology. When your core value system is in conflict…
I have no doubt at all that you’re a decent human being, and I can’t think of any good person who would want to help terrorists. But Apple’s stand for privacy rights doesn’t mean the FBI can’t do their job. It does mean that we keep our individual rights to lock our own property, rather than handing over a skeleton…
once again, I thank you for your views; it is always refreshing to try to understand others, while walking in their shoes, rather than screaming insults at each other. other than the revolution we had in the 1770's, we have been too comfortable here. maybe that is why so many people hate us, knowing we can state an…
If Bin Laden had chosen to live 150 miles outside of Manhattan, my guess is that it would have taken us roughly a day.
Well spoken, Siconik. Politicians bend over backwards to not ‘offend’ islam. Most recently, after the NYE’s attacks, Cologne’s mayor, a woman, told women to ‘adhere to a code of conduct’, basically saying that it’s the women’s fault if they’re attacked. Didn’t feminists expound on how it is NOT the woman’s fault?…
It probably has more to do with the “head-up-the-ass everyone is wonderful Islamic fundimentalism isn’t a problem” public policy they maybe isn't quite right...
glad you posted this; some things need to be addressed, but we all have gotten too PC and the terrorists use our own laws against us
I’m assuming you live in England? Or somewhere else in Europe? If you are, then I’m guessing in some part of said European country where the ratio of muslims of any stripe can be counted on one hand? Otherwise, you’d not be so blasè and ignorant in your comment.
“Middleast was destabilized when Bush disarmed and completely abandoned Iraqi armed forces who in turn became insurgents/extremists who then formed ISIS...”
“... Then throw in Bush and Chenny for destabilizing middle east which led to ISIS...”
Um, Bin Laden was 7,000 miles away in an ungoverned wasteland as 9/11 unfolded. Salah was strolling downtown Paris with an AK-47. Slight difference.
Belgium is known for two things: chocolate and child abuse. But they only invented the chocolate to get to the kids.
The Mormon Church is freaky. Back in the 19th century, they were tired of being hassled by the federal government over polygamy, so they all got together to ask God about it and, there you have it, no more polygamy. Of course, their kinky founder, Joseph Smith, did the same thing, but God told him, go ahead, pork…
Mitch Albom provided Cleaves with an alibi that he was at a Michigan State game at the time the alleged assault occurred.
I live near a Jehovahs Witness hall. When they go out canvassing to spread the gospel, for some reason they ALWAYS come down my street (nothing like putting in that extra effort to travel an extra block or three, lets keep going down the same three streets in closest proximity to the hall). I have lived in this house…
Well, he was very well hung...
Golden State fan no doubt
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