“there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda”
“there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda”
So essentially, Ken Griffey Jr. is a lousy baseball player because he didn’t win a title? Same with Barry Bonds, Andre Dawson, and Juan Marichal?
What that heat map had me thinking was “This is the modern/better Steve Carlton”. Almost the same exact pitcher except Carlton threw a slider and Kershaw’s got a curve. Both threw the same two pitches to the exact same spot and allowed the hitters to get themselves out however they pleased. Pitching is a slightly…
I was wondering when the progressive Tea Party would show up. This may be the nascent stages, where they begin organizing primary challenges to politicians who are viewed as insufficiently progressive. We’ll get our own Sharon Angle, Todd Akin, Richard Mourdocks up there and fuck up winnable seats in Congress.
He just throws a regular curve, actually.
So, in your opinion Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson are better quarterbacks than Dan Marino?
Guy, c’mon guy. The Giants still had to win games the MadBum didn’t appear in. Which they did. Which is why they won a WS.
God, man, I’m not a Dodgers fan. Like at all. Great casual racism, though, I had to look that one up.
The more words you use, the dumber your argument becomes. I’m bowing out of this race to the bottom.
Ah. Giants fan. Got it.
He’s totally right though, and it’s a good thing he’s here to remind us of the importance of titles, the only thing that matters, especially to pitchers.
His postseason numbers, with the exception of like two starts against the Cardinals, are also outstanding. Now please stop perpetuating that false narrative, and fuck you for making me defend a Dodgers player.
Oh yeah. Let’s “match” a handful of starts in a single month (October) with what has been a legendary career so far.
I’m an Angels fan and have no reason to put on a cape for Kershaw, but you’re being “that guy” right now.
Don’t be “that guy.”
How come people give shit to Grady Little for keeping Pedro in too long in ‘03, but kill Kershaw and not Mattingly for letting him die on the mound in 90+ degree temp. 2 years ago?
Thanks for the fresh, hot take.
Well, he’s winning baseball games for the Dodgers, so do you want to come back now?
I mean, your team has rebuilt and is 2-4 years ahead of the Lakers. Or is this just the classic Boston sports fan woe-is-me BS we’ve come to know? All your teams have won championships in the last ten years. People from Cleveland should be allowed to hit people from Boston in the sack, on sight.
You’ve had Paul Pierce and Rajon Rondo fall in your lap. Suck it the fuck up.
Yeah because the Celtics have had such a hard time of it...