You do realize Kobe is out for the year, right? And as a free agent this summer he has a choice to stay or go at the end of the season so why not go to the Lakers, possibly look fantastic on a bad team, and build his free agency value.
You do realize Kobe is out for the year, right? And as a free agent this summer he has a choice to stay or go at the end of the season so why not go to the Lakers, possibly look fantastic on a bad team, and build his free agency value.
Roughly 20 years ago, Magic Johnson said No to scabs, began taking antiretroviral medication.
Which is why, despite his HOF-worthy escapades as a manager, Sparky will always be more highly-regarded among hemophiliacs than among baseball fans.
Yeah - there's just an incredible amount of hand-waving by Zirin here. Although he's done some great work for this site and others, he just seems increasingly pompous and humorless.
A few things:
I believe it's shitty to excuse bad adult behavior on the grounds of, "oh, they're poor and marginalized." You're basically saying that they are subhuman and don't know any better as opposed to people not in that demographic, so they get a pass.
Dave's Outline:
I seriously do not get the reason why either writer has to put this story into a political/social science issue. The crux of this story has been and will be tomorrow that JRW cheated. The adults took a map of their boundaries and extended them so they could get players outside of those boundaries to play for them. …
The original article was dreck and this isn't making things better.
Except neither of his pieces are coherent. Zirin made the mistake of making his argument in the title. There is only one right side to this argument and its: Zirin is a horrible writer.
The only thing Zirn nailed was the recasting of his original article to fit with his new narrative.
You sure don't make a compelling argument in either your original articles or the response to rebuttal. If you said, "my pieces are poorly written." I would accept it more than this sham of a misdirection piece. "Look over here, don't look at the original content!!"
I've seen the shit eating grin on Mike's face after throwing him the keys to a Fiesta on Mullholland and I think you'd be hard pressed to get Mike to call the roads in Santa Cruz better than the stuff we drive down here. Bay Area roads are good, but the canyons here in LA are something else entirely.
i lived in the Bay Area for a year and been in LA for 7 yrs. I can't leave this area for the superior korean food alone, its ridiculous how good it is and as an umarried man, well the ladies in the Bay Area and social scene simply fall short
One little ode to LA from Torch and here come the Bay Douches ready to throw a SF Rules bumper sticker over the whole thing. Go write your own article extolling the virtues of your city. Stop crapping on ours.
Wow, words of animosity towards LA from someone in SF. How unusual.
Let me be up front with you: this is a love letter. It's a mash note to a city that's become my home more than any…