Watching this last night on MLB ticket or whatever, rooting for the Cards. But what I was really doing was simply listening to Vin call a game. God I love that guy.
Watching this last night on MLB ticket or whatever, rooting for the Cards. But what I was really doing was simply listening to Vin call a game. God I love that guy.
That greed you're complaining about exists in order to pay for the most expensive roster in the major leagues. You boycotting Dodger stadium will do nothing because the product is too good. This isn't the shitty McCourt Dodgers. Now that the team is rolling I'm guessing that DirecTV and the other cable providers will…
I bought the baseball package from those crooks at comcast just so I could enjoy Vin's (most likely) final season as broadcaster. Man, I'm gonna miss the him.
"Vin Scully is God." - God
David Stern actually made the Houston Rockets use their pick on Sam Cassell. Luckily, he strung together a good career, despite having Martian Syndrome.
Adam Silver is a good fucking commissioner. When was the last time we could say the Big 4 in sports had at least one good commissioner?
Let me get this straight. You're a grown man flying halfway across the country to watch pro wrestling and HE'S the asshole?
Sometimes, I think about how when I'm an old man, celebrities that are huge now will be nobodies. Like Brando was huge, but to a lot of people, he was just that weird fat guy in The Island of Doctor Moreau and The Score. Or Kirk Douglas, he will just be remembered as a walking bag of bones and bed sores. Brad Pitt,…
Not related to the Funbag at all, but when the hell did the US find a tennis player named Jack Sock? How did I miss this? He won his first match today, which is cool, but how could you name a kid Jack Sock?
Most vampires I've imagined were always more handsome than that .... or at least had a chin to go with those chompers.
I thought they couldn't go out in the sunlight?
I think you missed the point.
God, I hope he decides to pursue a baseball career.
Alternate Headline: Brian Windhorst is moving again.
1,000's of Heat "fans," just walked out of the arena.
Exciting! Another opportunity to watch Cleveland's unrealistic dreams be crushed in the most savage way possible.
[knock, knock]
Rear spoilers on FWD applications assist in maintaining stability during off-throttle applications. In my experience of tracking an Integra Type-R, removing the rear spoiler unsettled the rear during deceleration zones into/within turns if you ever so slightly lift off the throttle, any downforce in the rear was…