So you pirate a game and caused a loss of a hardware unit for target. Great, so you are now a liar, thief and a pirate.
So you pirate a game and caused a loss of a hardware unit for target. Great, so you are now a liar, thief and a pirate.
So you complain that you are banned and won’t buy another Nintendo title yet the whole point of the ban was because you were playing a game that you didn’t buy. Great logic. Just like playing pirated games online and before release even lol Millenials suck at pirating. Good thing likewise doesn’t exist nowadays or…
It wasn’t Japan. It was random internet trolls that like to complain about everything. If it was Aloha I could understand but gits white washing complains are ridiculous.
I’m boycotting this movie. It’s full of color washing. Why would they put a Japanese guy to act as fullmetal. Ridiculous.
Just become a geek hipster and enjoy it w us old gamers. Our days were the days of couch multiplayers where we enjoyed talking and dissing our friends in person.
Sitting 3 feet in front of my 90" TV that is in the middle of the wall.... sure great idea!
The main point is the controller even for people that have emulators. Plus its 100% legal and plug and play, nothing to configure nothing to find on the internet.
Pizza is for Michelangelo, mike better get a whole pie (minus the donatello slice) as an accessory. Besides that, pretty cool figures
It was weird because it was not a mario game, it was just a weird game w a SMB palette change. I also really liked it when I had it on the NES.
Next time we need a non gaming hipster to evaluate. Maybe Steven.
so US sucks at history, big news to anyone? Its maybe why you guys still call yourself “America”
can you send some of those reports that say the machine dies after 3 hours?
he is not the father of ash, he is just someone that ash mom likes to f with.
You are wrong on the 3 hour “lifespan”
but Virtue’s Last Reward is on the vita already...
poor tiffany... I mean christie
no worries , I was asking sincerely what it was :)
“It’s not going to be less than $300" you chucklehead
cool, since he said thing instead of building it was confusing for me.
I don’t see them up your butt in those pics