Is this the onion now?
Is this the onion now?
What is a big “sight” thing? Is it a sign?
Probably a translation thing.
Please, $350 would cause the switch to flunk out before even starting.
Interesting, this means they want to see the market opinion on pricing before setting one up themselves.
cool colors, will still keep my OG oled vita and my pstv. They should just drop the prices on the memory cards, now with many people hacking the vita we can see how bad quality the cards are, they die much faster than a regular memory card and are much more expensive.
Why does the first video from 2011 looks like a bad 90's movie scene w the old school tv, the rock/emo cute girls and even the ambience song is 90s talking about an entity and people.
kotaku deja vu
I believe he is playing all of it on a wii u. I skipped a lot do the video but I think is very important to be mentioned after the switch announcement.
Car loans shouldn’t make it or break it for you to buy a home. If it does, then I’m sorry to say but you bought a car that was over your means.
They probably don’t want people to think the new console is just a simple smartphone click and point game system.
Looks fine to me. go home and sober up, grab a snickers to help w being angry.
a switch is also how you turn off/on things. I feel bad for you that the first thing that comes to mind for a switch for you is BDSM.
Amazing you can say numbers of a youtube video that shows a video of a video demo of a game not yet develop.
Its the new remake, look at the lightning... BTW both the PS4 and x1 have done the same remaking old games and showing it off like its the greatest thing ever. One of the reasons why I have yet to update from a PS3.
nah, I have the spreadable softer one which is even more expensive and is not soft, but medium hard, you can’t spread it. If you leave it out for a good while you can spread it more or less but is still not spreadable.
I bought the kerrygold Naturally Softer Butter at sams club for $8.xx for 8 oz of butter. So lets say $1.11 an ounce. IMO is maybe 10% softer than regular, not spreadable at all, great for putting pieces on toast straight into the toaster oven, it melts completely into the bread, but otherwise found it very meh for…
please we all are aware he was just showing the case protection of the device.
she has very nice legs for someone her age
what girl w beer belly? You must have never met a women before, not even your mom.