
@Always Winning: And an even greater shame that nobody can bare Sarah Palin.

@Same Sad Echo: See my above comment to Prick Top before you run out and buy a new antenna.

If horses are terrible people, Larry Jacobson is the best damn horse in existence.

@vodkanaut: Being forced to listen to Dickie V for 2.5 hours and then losing should be a torture reserved for Middle Eastern dictators and Duke fans.

Bing and Plaigarize DUAN:

@Guvmint_Cheese: Agreed on the ones of those I've bothered to see.

@snoop-a-loop: I'll keep my main point brief: FUCK JIM LEYRITZ.

Is this thing even on TV in the States?

@OchentaYcinco: Michael LaPayower put on his Steelers gear to write that group description.

@JohnnyDrinky: Does anyone read Fleshbot enough to actually know the commenting dynamic over there? Most porn site comments I've seen are just stupid shit like, "I'd cum on her tits LOL," but Fleshbot seems slightly more legitimate than that.

Squirrel Poop DUAN:

@They call me MISTER Scroggs!: I have a full album of stuff by that band, maybe all songs from the show (I dunno, never really watched it) that I got from a friend. 'Tis good.

@Canabian: Edit: woo low-res image stretching!