I like this plot.
I like this plot.
My only consolation in all of this is that I’ll be thoroughly entertained by the legions of postmortems and analysis videos on Youtube. It will be a gift that keeps on giving for months, if not longer.
I think a lot of folks need to stop patting themselves on the back for “having seen this coming a mile away”.
She needs a mentos.
You propose half measures that don’t actually improve people’s lives and than get mad when they don’t vote for you or sit out the next election.
Cool, so now the conversation will be political anyway, this time with the right attacking the left for not being sensitive to these kids feelings, and the dead will still be ignored. Prayers will be said. People will pat themselves on the back for standing up for the students, and things will continue to remain…
Some artists just make a mood, and even though the worlds in these paintings have a bleakness to them, they still make me want to live there.
Can I give you more than one star?
He hid his ships in the same extra-dimensional space Arya used to sneak up on the Night King.
Many, many shows of stuck the landing; and arguably the 20+ film run of Marvel so far has been very similar to a TV show, and it stuck the landing with Endgame. There’s more Marvel to come, but they could easily call this the end of one series, and just like we’re getting GoT spinoffs, all future movies will be part…
It’s so sad, too. Because this show was special. The cracks started appearing around season four and five, and season six had some of the most cathartic moments, but it’s just been so depressing to see it devolve over time, even as the scale and budget has increased over time.
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
I was sort of hoping the Night King would win this battle, leaving many of the main cast dead, and leading to a final showdow/assault on the Red Keep with all of the main cast fighting on the same side, and only one living at the very end... who would then take the burnt-husk of the Iron Throne.
THANK YOU, I was thinking the exact same thing.
Can I borrow your crystal ball? I’d like to be able to read the future like you can.
Always happy to see the witches of Dathomir represented.
The funny thing is (and I try to tell this to folks when they tell me “conservatives have all the guns), is that one of the major reasons why guns became so popular in wars in the first place, wasn’t due to their stopping-power alone: it was down to the fact that they are cheap and easy to train people to use.
This right here is insanity of the highest order. Part of me wants to go look at some of the videos complaining about this to hear what their justifications are from their own mouths... but you know what? I’d rather not fuck my youtube watch recommendations, thanks.
A+ new-school Domino.