Kanye west was getting some Kanye rest so that he can go on tour at his Kanye best. Not in his Kanye nest, but still flying Kanye West. Torchinsky was next to him and that’s not a Kanye jest. Now normally Kanye’s in his Kanye Vest. Embroidered impeccably with his Kanye Crest. But this is something he keeps close to

Just when I thought I'd seen every possible ingredient in craft beer, now you're telling me there's Kale in Western Hockey League Bantam Draft?

If that picture’s any indication, they’ve actually got a great excuse for a sweep.

The Benny Hill theme song. It goes “Dee dee dudududud dododododo dee. Dududu dee dee dudududu do do du dee dee dee dee du du du du dee dee dee dee dee dee dededed, du doodooduud ee dododododoododooo dedldoodoodehdodeeeedo.”

That was not very helpful.


"Perhaps an anniversary, maybe a retirement party, maybe your goddamn mother-in-law only ever eats at five-star Michelin-rated restaurants."

Giant Raven: [enters Levi's Stadium]

He really is an equal opportunity offender.

But a group of Indian businessman wanted to make it bigger time. So Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder, who has long kept up a sideline in cheerleader promotion,

Not surprising. The Irish have been fraudulently attending bowl games for years.

IronMike: I want you to know that everything is going to be fine...for one of us.

The band was undeterred b/c they were playing Live.

Happened all the time when Kuhn was commissioner.

Coach Cal should pick up Eats, Shoots and Leaves; it'll help him with his punctuation, and it also describes a typical year for one of his players.

Paul Sullivan is the best, and it's not close. He's got a great sense of humor, a sarcastic but genuine rapport with fans, and generates great content via Facebook and Twitter. He's near the top of my "dudes I'd want to have a beer with" list.