I view Jamesons and Guiness much the way I suspect Tiger views Elin and his various mistresses: delicious when consumed separately, but there is no reason on Gods green earth they should ever be combined.

@eraserface: Sure, if you're a glass half-full guy. Could also imply that forward hasn't worked since 1995.

Maybe Virgin should get Gaga to Bahrain. From the video, she's clearly faster than Glock, and has a real killer instinct.

Needs more Yakity Sax

Guess I can stack trucks in electric puddles in the Williams garage, though.

@BloggyMcBlogBlog: STOPMaking SenseEspecially in front of a Big and Tall mans shop

@Mojonaut: If Grave truly felt anonymity to Kevin Smith, he probably wouldn't have written about him.

@Beer_Fart: I think the Western Hemispehere has already suffered enough earthquakes this year

It's like, how much more black could this be? and the answer is none. None more black.

@rigidjunkie: True, but I would guess that very little of the way Ferrari makes money for Fiat comes from selling road cars. Licensing revenues and the "halo effect" on Alfa, Lancia and Fiat (and someday Chrysler) is probably far more important, and that effect is made by building F1 winners and dream cars, so

Ferrari Formula 1 car 2009 version

@blondnga: Brakes will need cooling. Also, the battery packs themselves can run hot and are at times liquid cooled.

@stuntdriver: I think that this is the first answer I've seen where you dont have enough cash. In fact, just driving the veyron near these lovelies may result in a better outcome

@skaycøg: That rear end is far nicer than the California's

Pretty sure this is more of a bitch slap at Bernie and Max Mosley (except that Max would probably enjoy a bitch slap).

@70barracuda: Pretty sure with the 1.5-2.5 million dollars he got in trade, he could refinish the entire 'vette interior in the highest quality whale penios leather and still have a chunk of change left over.

@RäcinG73™: Also true with respect to the Holland Tunnel and GW Bridge into NY. You never pay to go into New Jersey, only to leave. Its the roach motel of states.

Patrons huh? I guess that the New Jersey Turnpike is a lot like Augusta National golf club.