Well, I bought a mustard yellow 1974 Datsun B-210 in 1984 (crackpipe) from a mechanic neighbor, on the condition he teach me stick. I went around their yard and banyan tree for a few hours (lived in southern Florida), must have stalled it 150 times, and had to replace the clutch master cylinder shortly thereafter.

Lysacek is an "ameteur" like most of his fellow members of the hockey team (who probably drove to GM place in their Astons). Amateurism hasnt meant much of anything in the Olympics for quite a while.

@Mulry: Of course it is Mulry, that point speaks for itself.

Curious to see how this works. Assuming that the rules governing the 24 hours at the 'ring are not as restrictive as F1's (remember that the KERS could only be used for 6 seconds a lap IIRC, and was limited to 80 HP), and the fact that the weight penalty wont be as big (as the GT3 still weighs twice that of an F1

Congratulations, and, by the way, [] has a good list of infant seats that will fit in that 997.

@Its_Jetertastic: too bad neither of them will be in the dunk contest

This month's C+D has a nice review of the M-ATV (part of their America, Hell Yeah! issue). Looks like these things will go anywhere at rediculous speeds, and if blocked the 7.62mm internally operated turret makes sure that obsticales don't stay that way for long.

@cobrajoe: I just want to tell you both, good luck. We're all counting on you.

I'm reading Jalopnik right? Hayubasa 2.8L V8 legen—-dary

*golf clap*


Can I just drive the sleigh around the 'ring in a couple of days, after you're done with it? Will bring carrots and NOS for Rudolph.

Looks like the grand prize for the contestants on "Jersey Shore".

Dusty Baker is fascinated by Annon's coach's thoughts, and would like to subscribe to his newsletter (which Darren will read to him).

Nigel Tufnel, your car has arrived.

What was the silver car next to the McLaren F1?

So is there a guy with a blue jumpsuit rubbing dirt back onto the truck as the showgoers wipe it off?

@bmoreDLJ: Eddie Alterman made the same point in his column.