“... leaving them alone for the afternoon then returning to find a perfect 1:1 recreation of Michelangelo’s David made entirely of lego sitting in their foyer...”
“... leaving them alone for the afternoon then returning to find a perfect 1:1 recreation of Michelangelo’s David made entirely of lego sitting in their foyer...”
Every rider exclaimed “You think you’re betta than me train?” as they exited the train.
A base Vette is still cheap. If you want basically what is an American 458 Italia, you’re going to pay for it. Porsches are so boring unless you get a GT3 and those are >200k from the dealer right now.
a: Lordstown is still in business?
Regardless of standard of living evaluation, how many DUI drivers are actually going to be able to make such payments until the child(ren) reach 18? I think that a lot of drunk drivers are barely able to support their own kids, much less others, especially once they lose the right to drive.
Theoretically I support this, since drunk driving is a crime of negligence. I also hate slippery slope arguments, but lets say you killed someone via a negligent act like firearms discharge when hunting. You kill someone’s dad, do you now owe them child support? Or you kill someone on the operating table through…
I thought BMW was supposed to be a leader in the industry… everything here is copying/following someone else.
Your not wrong that the maps are ridiculous. But time zones help put things into perspective for people in terms of a normal “day”. This is especially important in a global society.
I’m pretty sure that no one really wondered what would happen to the current Acura based on the Civic when a new Acura based on the Civic was announced.
Acura definitely loves to lean on its street/drift racing heritage while offering no cars in the American market that can even remotely live up to that legacy.
On the N62, I didnt think rod bearings were an issue. Leaking Valve Seals were the main issue, along with the Air Pump, Vanos, and valve cover issues
The bottom end on N62s I thought were the strong points
This engine won’t need rod bearings like an S62 or S54 engine would. But, it will need a ton of other things...
This car is a ticking time bomb of electrical gremlins and oil leaks that will cost a fortune to repair. There is nothing parts-wise that is cheap on this car. It has an early version of the I-drive that is clunky and not very intuitive and the infotainment system in general is prone to crashing. ND all day long.
I’m going to throw out a crazy idea: the Toyota GT3 Concept is based off a Mazda platform.
Unless they intend to build a WR Mirage or WR Colt, the RalliArt badge is useless for anything other than a Pajero or maybe a big Fuso truck should they choose to attack the Dakar in that.
MT and AT tires suck in snowy conditions and even more so in icy conditions compared to actual snow/winter tires. I have snow rated ATs and they are barely acceptable on snowy roads, I’d much prefer actual snow tires. That little snowflake on the tire doesn’t really mean all that much. Lots of truck/jeep people don’t…
Porsche does not want self-driving features? I find this to be a wise stance. If you want to get driven to work while snuggled in a blanket, nursing a hangover in the back seat, you probably won’t do it in a Porsche.
How, exactly, do automakers make buyers buy cars that they don’t want?
“though those also probably depend on who wins the presidency in 2024, and whether that person believes that climate change is real or not. It’s a great system.”
Also, usually when efficiency goes up, so does usage. If someone typically goes from driving a 15mpg vehicle to a 30mpg vehicle, you can almost guarantee they will drive a lot more. Sure, it’s probably not a 1:1 ratio, but there are way more effective ways to reduce climate effects than solely targeting effecencies.