
Spend the day on lifehacker, io9, Gizmodo, Kotaku and any other sites you like. If you're given work to do, do it quickly (but accurately) so that you can then go back to your sites. Also works on Mon-Thu.

Of all the things that could go wrong while drag racing, blowing a front tire is the most perplexing...

Another moron with the problem of portrait/landscape with their iphone -.-

This is awesome. Someone speeding through my neighborhood is the one thing that's guaranteed to send me into full "Old man shaking a stick at people" mode.

“I would never go through a side door. It’s not something I would do. I’m philosophically opposed to that"

"...his brands don't make clothes in larger sizes for teenage girls because they only want to market to "cool" kids."

...and your wife knows but she just ignores it.

I don't think buying a Lamborghini tells the world you need a straight jacket. I'd say it tells the world you have sex with escorts.

Trying to figure out if this was a Scientology joke or an IRS joke really taxed me.

Yeah, like I said, I can understand him uninviting him to the Forged sponsored part of ZdayZ... It's not like this guy is going to help them get any new customers.

And it's not like he's banning him from ZdayZ, he's just banning him from one event. Why does this guy want his hotel refunded? Is he going to skip the

If we always did the "reasonable" thing instead of silently getting mad and later writing a column about it, the internet would be a very boring place.

yes, I don't think he "pulled a 1080 out of a crash" so much as "was sent into a 1080 by crash"

Thank you so much for recognizing that things in today's workforce are so different than they were just a short time ago. And I'm not speaking as someone who just graduated college and can't get a job. I graduated over a decade ago and have thankfully paid off my student loans and have found steady work in a growing

U da best. Seriously, I like this comment.

*dramatic slow clap*

Good post. Your "..1% through not fault of my own other than I worked hard my entire life" had me worried you were going to go off into a preach of how ANYONE can do it. I had a tirade of counterargument forming in my head. To my pleasant surprise you went the other direction. It is REALLY hard for so many people

It's simple. Sometimes the right thing to do really is the right thing to do. Deep huh?

Yeah, I think there is that crap aspect of it too. But keep in mind, the government isn't forcing companies to hold workers to under 32 hours. The government is forcing companies to give workers healthcare. If the company responds to that by doing what they can to continue to screw over their workers and weasel

Thank you for your sanity.

I'm not normally a President Obama supporter. IOW, born and raised Republican. I'm also a business owner who has over 600 employees. All that said, there's NFW I would support this legislation. Ever. I'll be the first to admit, we don't encourage overtime exactly because it's expensive. But, I grew up working in