
It's a very real possibility that with all that fitness, you could become so jacked that your muscle density increases to the point you have your own superdense gravitational field and you implode into a singularity of awesomeness either in your garage, or doing tire flips.

But he has a super sporty "ring", finger tattoo. So that should more than make up for the hearing/sync issue.


You might have a point, I wouldn't know. I've been training in several martial arts (TaeKwonDo and Jiu Jitsu) for the past 12 years and I run 7 miles a day, 5 days a week. So, I just chose another way to stay fit, but my "fatass" days are long behind me.

Kill it with fire. Let's face it, it's probably going to self-combust sooner than later anyway, and that thing is so damn ugly I'd consider it a mercy killing. Sort of, assisted suicide, combining fire with a modern Lambo.

How could I pass THAT up? Aw crap, I live in Texas and my monthly obligations have ROCKETED past "entry level". I'll just have to stick with being berated by my wife. It's not so bad really, I'm used to it after 22 years and she's become quite adept at it. Though, in all fairness, I give her pleeeeenty of material

Thank you for posting this! This is not only sublimely funny, it's the funniest thing I've read in a while BECAUSE of the indirect, sarcastic humor. It might be especially funny to me because one of my neighbors owns a CrossFit "gym" and they're always evangelizing the message and I just get...ugh!

I can understand why the pedestrian was confused. From a distance I can see the resemblance to Hayley. I love Paramore.

As my son might say... Like a boss!

I always get a kick out of my friends explaining to me they're going to make a "cash offer" and get such a great deal. Then I have to explain spiffs for salesmen and the interest rate spread on the back end for the F&I guy.

That was my thought. But I'm no bronco expert. *shrugs*

I quit bitching about it a year or so ago. It's pretty much established at this point that the price of gasoline/oil bbl has little to nothing to do with the actual available supply and current demand. It's now a hotly traded commodity and as such, the price does (and will continue to) move at the whim of commodity

When you get in the check-out line, please just get off your phone. It's as simple as that. No one around you wants to hear it and, in the case the checker needs your attention to ask a question, you should be in a position to give him/her your attention. Common courtesy. It's dying.

I'm gonna have to go with, "Not a Pussy". On the other hand, this just goes to prove that young boys are monumentally stupid the world over. Money, social standing nor anything else will seperate testosterone fueled young men from killing themselves. Or, at least, giving it their best effort.

Alllllllrighty then!

I smell something. Funky!

Dude, for real, it's allllll about the Q!

In South Africa, national park animals watch you.

Role model.

I would barf. Then, be roommate-less.