
“Chance’s age is irrelevant and although we do have a veteran presence here, that type of advice was not needed because what he did was correct, which was to reach base any way possible.”

I can honestly say that I enjoy listening to Petros and Money. They used to be nationally syndicated but now they’re local to the LA market. It’s a nice mix of real analysis and goofy shit from a couple of guys who don’t take themselves seriously at all. Plus, they have a lot of cool guests, so it’s not centered only

It was against the Cardinals, so it counts regardless.

If there’s a better metaphor for Dodger Stadium, I’ve yet to see it.

You, sir, are doing the Lord’s work.

Sure it sounds bad, but no worries!

I’m surprised one or both of them didn’t say, “Look, just do the math. Clearly he was driving us in the wrong direction. But hey, if he wants the chance to swing his small bat, then that’s his choice.”


More like anti-social studies, amiright?

What’s next, Florida? Jorts?

I know you’re claiming some level of ignorance and/or confusion here, which, fine, but here’s the short version: Your comment is essentially the same as asking, “Why are we shaming Bill Clinton for enjoying cigars?”

Definitely Not Mad Online.

You have sumterrific memories of history.

Or that fielders’ [sic] can only be measured by the number of errors they make, divided by the number of chances. Derek Jeter’s incredible, all-time web gem against the A’s in the 2001 playoffs is a ststitical [sic] flyspeck.

It’s particularly hilarious that he cites Disney, given how hard he’s making it for potential foreign tourists to get a visa. They’re adding more jobs here in Anaheim, but that’s only because of the Star Wars expansion.

I think Ovoid Pastry Creature is playing the second stage at Coachella this year.

Ortiz will be a serious litmus test for sure. It’s much easier to keep Bonds and Clemens out because they’re both dicks, but Ortiz, while he might be a great guy, is the only one of the three ever to officially test positive. There will be much pearl-clutching for sure, along with a bunch of bizarro hot takes from

He’ll obviously get in, but, as much as I can’t stand him (or rather, the myriad people who will line up to wash his balls), he sort of personifies that whole argument about great vs. very good. His was above average at best on the field, but he ticks all the mythological baseball boxes: great leader (not a thing, at

Sure, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned; problem is, these were little girls. But hey, when he gets to Hell, he can figure it out for himself.