This, in my opinion, is one of her best recent public address videos. It felt like she wasn’t just speaking to the peoples of Great Britain, but to the whole world.
This, in my opinion, is one of her best recent public address videos. It felt like she wasn’t just speaking to the peoples of Great Britain, but to the whole world.
Because Ferrari’s specialty is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Carlos won here because he decided to ignore team strategy.
Huh. Weird how the FIA changed the rules to make Mercedes less competitive last year and then bent the rules to ensure Hamilton didn’t win the championship. But yeah, they’ll definitely bend the rules to favor Merc.
My wife got 200,000+ miles out of her 2005 Saturn Vue. The only issues were replacing engine mounts around 150k and an AC that had a nagging problem of not cooling that took several garages to finally identify and fix.
this is a picture of me right before I change the site name to Jeeplopnik and force everybody to buy an XJ
I know a lot of people are going to take issue with the auto-to-manual swap, but please stop before you do.
I went NP for good memories. We had the non-supercharged version of this and it was a (reasonably) fast, enjoyable, comfortable ride and looked good. We had multiple Pontiacs, liked them all and GM’s biggest mistake was to cut the brand and keep Buick alive. Dumb asses! Using my imaginary bank account, I’d get this…
The GM ones look really tippy head on or from behind, could use a few extra inches of track.
Making a rational choice to buy a new car, with a warranty and more modern safety and efficiency standards instead of a used car from a shady dealer (or private person) doesn’t necessarily make one a weirdo.
I bought one in 2016 and I am still waiting for it to be this horrible car that people say it will be. It was a V6 Crossroad for 20,400 out the door and also had 0% financing, why wouldn’t I buy it? It currently has 78,000 miles and has never been back to the dealer one time for any repairs other than maintenance.…
A Dodge Journey, likely priced in the basement, and still coming with a full factory warranty is not as bad of a choice as people pretend. It won’t be great, but it’ll get you to work and school if you need a car.
Worst? I gotta say 2F2F. Tokyo Drift is the classic high school sports story, but has a real attention to detail for the cars in it. TFaTF is just a genuine, heartfelt tale about this family of street racers and how they protect each other. 2F2F doesn’t have the same depth. The Skyline rocks, though
I rewatched all of the movies when F9 came out, and Tokyo Drift was actually one of my favorites this time around. The first one is a classic, 2 Fast is probably the weakest of the three but it’s still a blast, but it’s really the fourth movie, Fast Ampersand Furious, that’s the worst out of the franchise.
I know it’s almost cliche at this point but wow, Ledger’s performance as the Joker is a tour de force.
This ship that was involved in the incident off of Portugal this week…
I too feel on fire when I have too much Cayenne
Yes. The fan service detracted from some truly spectacular Star Wars set pieces like the train heist and the Kessel Run. Those were awesome! I saw a lot more imagination and world building in Solo than in the rest of Disney’s Star Wars theatrical output.
Fuck off with this “forgettable” bullshit. Solo tried and mostly delivered on being a super entertaining space heist adventure movie and is probably the one Disney movie that holds up the best to scrutiny all this time later.
Even though I could never afford it (obviously) I think this is ridiculously awesome. I feel like Jalopnik currently has the biggest disconnect in terms of how writers see their takes being received, and what their actual reading audience is. Most of us like to see cool stuff, especially if it was repurposed like this.