
It’s more like a re-reveal, but in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it totally caught me off-guard when Rey said “The garbage will do” and we abruptly cut off to...

The absolute best ship intro is the TMP reveal of the Refit Enterprise. The music, the flyover, and the turn around to face the Lady. There is literally no better reveal of the hero ship than that one sequence. It is both the prototype and paradigm.

Now playing

The answer is of course the reveal of the Protector.

Finally! It’s my go. The TARDIS — from the whoosing sound to the wide-eyed travelers who enter it for the first time.

Now playing

I kept trying to come up with something...anything...that could match it, but you really laid out the best one right there in the article. Much as I love the Klingon AND Enterprise reveals in The Motion Picture, as much as I dig Serenity’s barely-keeping-it-together vibe, nothing comes close to matching this:

The moment Kirk and Scotty see the refit Enterprise for the 1st time in TMP is the reason the term “spaceship porn” is a thing...

Being mean to the player because her child died right in front of her. I get that she’s just a fictional character, but I swear that video gamers these days have absolutely no empathy for other human beings. We’re a generation of goddamn psychopaths.

Theres one above you, and they are starting to trickle in now :)

They are all busy fellating Trump.

It will all be ready by Tuesday.

Don’t you dare badmouth Steve! Without Steve the whole narrative falls apart!

He’s written a lot, it’s just that it’s 2,872 pages of descriptions of meals, clothing, heraldry, and chapters about viewpoint characters who have nothing to do with the main story, including a Braavosi certified accountant and some guy named Steve.

I’ll just come out and say it, Vox Day is a garbage person. I hope he lives a very long life so he can see the culture change and leave him and his ilk behind. I hope he one day sees how little he and his “SJW are ruining my space ships and ray guns!” temper tantrums matter. I have never before seen a person consumed

You’re not wrong, but after 6 seasons, there have been no clouds clearing, and after a while it gets tiresome. I was fine with it but as I said, last year broke me.