Wow, that brings back old memories. LAN parties, trash talking in person. And of flying that nuke into the other team’s tower and around a corner to try and kill more of them at once.
Wow, that brings back old memories. LAN parties, trash talking in person. And of flying that nuke into the other team’s tower and around a corner to try and kill more of them at once.
I find it uncomfortable that killing kids is where some people plant their flag for immersion in the game when so many game mechanics already break immersion.
With that ridiculous haircut and beard he sure looks like a Caleb.
That’s what I’d like to see. They should never be able to reach into fair territory like that.
I still well up with tears of nostalgia when I hear Tom Cheek’s call of Joe Carter’s walk-off home run in Game 6 of the 93 World Series and see the video.
I for one welcome our new bat-flipping overlords.
Sold! No question about it. Go Jays go!
Deadliest chin in baseball.
Damn right.
Will not, cannot root for them even a little bit.
The one I wanted to really see was the one never released. Star Trek: The secret of Vulcan Fury (Game Trailer).
I just keep waiting for someone to remake the equivalent of those old SSi Great Naval Battle games. Damn, I miss those.
Phenomenal work, and clearly a lot work. the end result looks amazing.
I think of idiots like that, like I was, and fear for having my kids in the car some days.
Never felt as moved by a video game as I have by Mass Effect. Hard to say goodbye. So glad I can go back and visit anytime.