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Since I haven’t seen it in the comments, how about the space battleship Yamato rising from the grave of its namesake?

It’s a lovely tour of the ship. And the refit Enterprise is just fantastic. Happy someone mentioned this.

Wow, that brings back old memories. LAN parties, trash talking in person. And of flying that nuke into the other team’s tower and around a corner to try and kill more of them at once.

I groaned at how bad their knowledge of technology was, but when the mainframe came up, all I could think of was this IT Crowd episode:

Well that’s a big disappointment. I was really looking forward to this after the prelude video and even backed the project.

Looking forward to the full version of this.

Star Trek was fun while it lasted. It’s too bad the lobotomized corpse is getting trotted out for the 50th anniversary.

I find it uncomfortable that killing kids is where some people plant their flag for immersion in the game when so many game mechanics already break immersion.

Yep. That stood out.

Novels have never been canon as far back as I can remember. So far it’s just the TV shows and movies.

Reminded me of this movie.

That was the exact setting I was going to suggest.

Kosh, the Vorlon ambassador.

With that ridiculous haircut and beard he sure looks like a Caleb.

That’s what I’d like to see. They should never be able to reach into fair territory like that.

Must include this for evil goatees.

In the original A New Hope, when the stormtroopers find C-3PO and R2-D2 on the Deathstar, one of them is a bit too tall for the doorway and whacks his helmet on the door.

I still well up with tears of nostalgia when I hear Tom Cheek’s call of Joe Carter’s walk-off home run in Game 6 of the 93 World Series and see the video.

I have Twilight Blue Metallic Clearcoat, or as I like to call it: Blue. I believe it says I’m a serious and sober person, and that I like the sky at night and water, or some shit like that.

I for one welcome our new bat-flipping overlords.