
This article is extremely misleading. A 1000VA / 600W UPS is going to give you less than 10 minutes of uptime for a decent desktop computer at full charge. CP1000: 600W max, 1 x 9 amp-hours = 9 min @ 300W, 3 min @ 600W. Granted, this is enough to shut down properly and save critical files, but nobody is going to be

This article is extremely misleading. A 1000VA / 600W UPS is going to give you less than 10 minutes of uptime for a

Let me tell you a story about UT Austin. UT law actually, a much harder place to get into, one of the most difficult law schools in the country. This is about my ex-girlfriend, a Connecticut brat who was raised in Austin as a kid, with her ex stepsiblings and her ex-step-father (mom didnt hold onto husbands very well)

Sure, the crazy-ass infinite stare might be the first clue this lady was nuts, but let’s be honest, it’s the lip-liner that truly says “Medea”

The burden of stretch goals is on the developer, not the community. They either should have promised less or asked formore. Its bad management.

Was it 3rd person? 3rd person views tend to make me prfoundly sick

To be fair, he does often sound like he is having gay sex.

unpopular opinion: borderlands 2 was not a good game

I’m gonna need the whole salt shaker for this one

no, no. You did the jokes just right. (OK hand shape emoji)

Are you kidding? Get the sweat bands. At worst youll like some awesome pornstar from the 70s

Adderall sweats are a real thing. It also smells worse than normal sweats. My advice: lay off the adderall. I quit and ive never been happier. The side effects were pretty bad for me. Terrible headaches, nasty mood swings and stomach problems. Ive learned to manage the add without it.

“Hey guys, lets take an established IP and make a shitty generic shooter that has the nothing to do with the first game!”

Just finish up ni no kuni 2 and I’ll be happy, okay?

The thing is, with the HD texture pack and DSFix, the game still looks and plays as fresh as ever. It is a masterpiece worth revisiting many times. A NG+ game as a INT pumping wizard is a completely different experience than rolling a parrying / backstab dex-based thief


This looks awesome. I just saw it pop up in the Steam VR store. Kirk you need to do a piece on what Oculus-compatible games are worth checking out in SteamVR. Is it the same library as the Rift store? At the end of the day I’d rather keep my games in one location (ie Steam). It’s a total mystery. Also there were

wow he’s annoying.

I call bullshit.

French culture also has a special, shall we say, obsession with young girls. it’s creepy 2 the maxx

LOL I was talking about Master of None, but I guess that applies to Parks and rec too!