
Hey maybe if streaming a single game is your only source of income you should diversify your talents

Possible im thinking of earthbound

That chrono trigger price is for cartridge only. With box and manual its worth $600+


The nice thing is, these comments will still count as Impressions on your year-end marketing summary.

Hey Asher Ross for Gillette, do you put that on your mailbox? Is that what your girlfriend screams out in bed? “Is it in yet Asher Ross for Gillette? I can’t feel anything” By the way your branded content for Gillette is terrible. In fact, branded content sucks. Nice to know this comment will likely be deleted and

To put this into perspective, the engines in a 36-wheel road train used in the australian outback to haul cargo like 5 mobile homes coast to coast? 640 HP

Right, because having the police beat the shit out of a doctor was the right response. Fuck you

No, you are wrong, what we actually need is Vanquish.

Don’t forget the Chainsaw RE4 controller

They actually made this exact slime controller for the PS2 when DQ 8 came out. I have one.

Sounds like you ... didn’t even play Zelda?

Gorgeous detail work and very likely each one is hand-painted, for 30+ hours. My guess is the profit margin on this is pretty slim despite the price. Doubt the value would increase much over time, but its a very cool piece

Spineless coward masks himself in cynicism and insufferable arrogance

“Just as Bloomberg doesn’t cover Bloomberg, we don’t plan to cover Joe Ricketts and so we decided to take down our coverage of him. No one asked us to do it,” Gothamist co-founder Jake Dobkin told Jezebel.

Brooklynite. Ditto

Firmly in the “shipping now” but not actually camp. Says out for delivery by 8pm. Could probably have picked one up at target or gamestop by now. Whatever. It’s just a video game. I can wait a couple days. Unlike some of the spoiled man-babies I see crying about a minor shipping delay.

So, yes, inverse kinematics is involved, but that’s sort of like saying polygons are involved. IK is a very basic tech just governing how elbows and knees animate - it’s a way to build a character rig so that you only have to move the hands or feet and the rest of leg joints follows along naturally. This is likely

Yeah, but when fedex or ups lose a package, you get reimbursed, quickly. And Im sorry, why the fuck would you not insure a package of this value, as a regular ebay seller I insure everything over $50!!!!! Lost too many packages to risk it.

Honestly this sounds like a scam. Too good to be true. Outlandish claims.