
What if bubbles collide with mosquitoes, pop and cover them with soap residue forcing them to crash land?

Scan and burn?

Natto, mochi and other japanese cookies.

Of course there will be consequences.

It is not that making driver AI is difficult. It is impossible because it is equal to making general human level AI. So driverless cars are only possible in a very controlled environment.

I really did not like my previous car that much, so I replaced pretty quickly with something that was better feature for feature, AWD->4x4 with transfer case and more ground clearance, moar trunk, V6->V8, CUE-> uConnect with Android Auto, more electronic nannies, and so on. Financially maybe not the best decision, but

Don’t worry, soon they will slap some NFT on the hood and it will be futuristic.

Modest proposal. Park it next to SF and house homeless on it?

I have this feeling the Cherokee name is going away. ;-)

If people stop using their effin phones while driving they wouldn’t crash in the first place. Just a thought.

What! No drawbridge?

Oh boy. “XJ Wrangler”. Prepare for the shitstorm. 3... 2... 1...

Doesn’t Jeep use “Sport” for low spec models?

SF Bay Area

Benadryl flavored ice-cream?

It is too much, according to Jalopnik

I am so excited!!!!!

Does it have a built-in fridge? My friend’s Odyssey had it as an option. Great for groceries and cooling drinks on long haul rides.

(though they shouldn’t be up there anyway)