There is always fire inside a jet engine. This one got a little bit out of hand ;-)
There is always fire inside a jet engine. This one got a little bit out of hand ;-)
14M cars? California has 40M people, everyone including babies is not buying new car there every 3 years!
It is that or he gets kicked out of beta.
Built in radar detector.
It could be. Industrial scale cooking is much cheaper because of economies of scale both for labor and much better deals for raw foods and other ingredients. So, subsidized cafeteria at work/school may be the most economical way to eat.
Shoes can be resoled? Modern shoes? That cost $50 and are made of single piece rubber molded over fake leather upper? Even if it was technically possible where do you find a shoemaker and how much do you think he is going to charge for that?
If they float they are witches and need to be burned.
Wait, are you telling me the foods magically do not turn into poison on the best before date? I need to relay this news to my wife.
My allergist came to US from Israel.
You could buy them already on Amazon or even Aliexpress, for much cheaper than hundreds of dollars these will be. The caveat is all the certifications/tests that they do not have.
It is not a laptop.
It is not a laptop.
I was hoping he got some rare uncurable disease from the cards that is going to kill him slowly ;-)
I call BS. Branding this stuff as Dodge is the only way to move this off the lots in US. Nobody will buy it with Alfa Romeo badge.
Wait till they find out that Sony takes a cut from every disc sold as well ;-)
That can’t be! My mind is exploding right now.
My friend is a contractor and has a Crosstour (same as ZDX but not as fancy) and loves it. It fits 8foot 2x4s and such.
I will get Hot Wheels version of it at Target next year.
The answer is no, you are not getting enough exercise.
We already know the buyer.
The best 4X4 ever? Is that you, David Tracy?