
Porn. All technology is always used first for porn.

I don’t know about other people, but when I look at a screen in a moving car I will puke in about 5 minutes.

So wait... Mike Tyson punching an asshole, good.

Why not another Cherokee? Or Grand Cherokee, or Outback, or Forester.

Also, Miata is the answer? Because you are not indoors in Miata?

They did not have to use X twice, they still have few more letters of alphabet left without reuse.

Crown is going to be fine. Just fine. There is a lot of old people that need it.

To get drunk and brag about your trophy 3rd wife, house and Porsche in the garage.


How come animal rabies vaccine is super cheap and human rabies vaccine is so expensive? How different are they? Or not different at all?

Ah, acetone, is there anything it can’t dissolve?

First of all, how is being “millionaire” impressing anyone these days? Million bucks isn’t what it used to be. Even Dr Evil knows it.

That sounds about right. I have Jeep GC and I have no illusions about it being offroader. More like a dirt-roader with occasional bigger rocks and fun obstacle that has a bypass.

Can it roll coal?

That is David Tracy level of engineering. Awesome!

My AV receiver pulled over 25W when in standby, because it was stupid enough not to be able to handle HDMI CEC passthrough without powering on large part of internals. That was a big fail. So eff you Onkyo.

You can tell them about how you screwed up at your previous position losing the company millions of dollars. But you learned your lesson and you will not screw up like that at this position so they are safe.

Ukrainian smoothies probably.

Is it still going to have android auto/car play? Or the screen is completely gone?

They probably are the smartest cookies out there. They did not pay over MSRP.