
Store doors are usually X band.

Yep. But it is all cottage industry.

I would imagine radar detector is a first thing everyone installs in their brand new C8.

All right. That is totally effed up. Maybe private car sales bring out the worst in people. On the other hand, even as a guy I would prefer to meet internet randos in a parking lot next to a bank.

My point is that the article portraits extreme behaviors as common.


Snake oil?

Brakes Are For Losers

But why?

It belongs in the trunk. For the short while till you drive it to the desert.

If you donate and the donation includes your contact info you will get a nice thank you note.

Somebody needs to call CPS on Torch for subjecting his kid to travel in Yugo and Pao and Changli. And the sketchy rides that it leads to afterwards.

Matt and his crew made the whole COVID time better. At least I could see great outdoors and live vicariously through their adventures. Also, they are genuinely nice folks.

The correct preposition is “in” not “with”.

I thought the point is to make your family so angry at you so they do not talk to bother you till the next thanksgiving? Or do you want to fix their computers for another year?

No shit?

H3 is actually pretty decent offroader (in some trims).

Yeah, first time you turn on heated steering wheel when it is very cold, the effect is incredible. Ass heater is also pretty great.

This looks like a case to use one of the first human inventions - fire.

Just shaved my head because I was really shaggy with 1/8 inch long hair ;-)