You will not notice the problem when you are doing it while towing ;-)
You will not notice the problem when you are doing it while towing ;-)
I do wholeheartedly agree with David here as well.
Lots of cheap tech is cheap because it does not have to support the advertising business big companies have. And in many cases it is exactly the same stuff, made in the same factory, as brand name tech.
It does not look so big anymore if you put a house on it’s bed.
Yeah, AI/camera based approaches are going to be a big fail. Too many false positives or completely useless. Also it is often impossible to judge whether someone is slightly drunk or just stupid or tired.
His input is actually quite valid. And his experiences are a lesson for all of us. He also points correctly that the current anti-drunk driving tech is nowhere usable for general population.
Only if they fish it out from your aquarium and you want to murder them afterwards?
Wait, these gadgets weren’t real?
I am wondering if they will be any good for offroading.
Just close your eyes when you pee!
Depends on the “winter”.
Yeah, meth labs that require decontamination are probably not a great house to buy.
There is also an electric scooter, like Bird/Lime that litter our cities.
Almost bought a black WS6. But ended up in black 2004 GTO.
Do your own research!
Sure, but there is still a risk.
Pediatrician does not know when they will get the vaccines but I managed to get appointment for the little dude at Target/CVS for 15th. Which is great because I can distract him with promise of buying a toy.
No shit. It is supposed to prevent your head from dropping forwards when you fell asleep. Personally I like TRTL pillow.
I want an XJ.
This is nuts. I like it.