Too early?
Too early?
This looks fine to me. XJs were designed for that ;-)
No, it does not replace generator because electricity in it eventually runs out and you cannot refill the tank like in a generator.
It is so cute that you think that algorithms and data have no bias.
No slideshow? I was trying to click at the side of the pic to go to the next page.
Driving while sleepy is very irresponsible. It is like using self-driving car with known faulty software.
It is black. And as we all know black is faster! And looks cooler.
I always thought car loans should be 36 months?
Oh he is crafting. But hates gathering the resources for crafting.
Douse it with gasoline and burn it to the ground.
Looks better than Cybertruck! Much better.
Everyone else rated it fucking ugly though?
Yeah, “my voice is my passport”
Your own David Tracy already decided. So why are we wasting our time here?
the tires are too big
First, many forest service roads and unpaved roads are actual roads recognized by state. So yeah, insurance covers them and they may be pretty gnarly especially when washed out and damaged.
How is it different from Pacifica? Why does it even exist?
I went to Target this morning. They told me they had 3 consoles and a long line in front of the store early in the morning. So they had it but it was all gone well before I went there.
Do not put hot frying pan on a butcher block kitchen counter.