The Cap'n

Yeah, that Clayface fight was superb.

Tattooed on his collarbone: “That’s worth five rupees!”

part of me would find it hilarious if this Link is basically the protagonist from Memento and he keeps forgetting stuff.

Looks cool, but I really want another mainline FF game to go back to turn-based. But maybe that’s just the nostalgia talking.

Looks cool, but I really want another mainline FF game to go back to turn-based. But maybe that’s just the nostalgia talking.

I won’t say we have to kill them all but I will say I hope ya’ll have your robot insurance paid up...

Look, I’m just gonna say what we’re all thinking: I’d bet good money that Giamatti fucks long and fucks hard.

Yes but how many artists will still have a job? The closest analogy I can make here is photography. Prior to the cellphone it was a reasonable career path to be a photographer for a media outlet or for stock photos. Now, the only real career path is wedding photographer it high end fashion/media photographer. All of

Oh my gosh remember when you could rent movies at drug stores and grocery stores? That’s how I got most of my movies. It was just so convenient. Why go to Blockbuster when we could rent a tape on the way out after getting Sunday groceries? I think we’d pay .99 cents or something like that. And the tapes didn’t come in

To this day (regarding “Deep Space Homer”) I believe “In Rod We Trust” is the single best 30 minute callback joke ever written. As absolutely bonkers as the entire episode is, it’s like the whole thing was written just to bring it full circle. I am still in absolute awe of that gag.

This is a fine list, but it’s missing my all-time favorite episode.

If I had to pick only one episode past season nine, it would be Home vs. the State of New York. It was pulled from syndication because a large part of the episode, and many of its gags, revolves around the World Trade Center. But it contains one of the simplest and funniest jokes in the history of the show:

You gotta have Homer Vs The 18th Amendment on there.

I was thinking more like The Lego Movie, where it would have an impact on families who grew up with gaming.

> maybe do a fun reference to The Matrix when Neo and Trinity go to save Morpheus and are in the loading program getting guns.

I am so ecstatically thankful that nobody with this mindset was involved in the creation of this film.

Yeah and I don’t know if people have forgotten, but the reason the Paper Mario games got washed of their plot after that game was because Miyamoto put the kibosh on it. So considering his involvement with this film, I don’t think anything more complex was ever going to be on the table.

I mean... that’s Mario? He’s the safe, sanitized Mickey Mouse mascot made in a Nintendo lab. There hasn’t been an ambitious Mario game since maybe Super Paper Mario? And yeah, it’s a kids movie. There’s references and jokes that will make the parents chuckle, but that’s it.

It sounds about exactly what I expected between Nintendo’s “find the safest, least risky move possible and somehow go even more safe than that” approach to Mario and choosing to work with Illumination of all studios.

Skimming over your comment I thought ‘Catalan’ was ‘Canadian’ and had a brief, delightful thought of Mario’s voice being re-recorded so as to make sure Canadians weren’t exposed to nasty American diphthongs.

The best advice I’ve ever heard for creatives is to hire a front-facing person who can serve as the go-to person who handles public relations, commission details and all of the nuts and bolts. It helps if they are a extrovert and have some business know-how under their belt and is willing to take the slings and arrows