The Cap'n

I’m sorry but I can’t support Disney in any way, shape or form. They have warped our culture for their own profit—not out of progressivism, but out of sheer dull profit motive. They’re the Wal-Mart of storytelling. They’ve watered down copyright law for the sake of their own wealth. They pretty much ‘capture’ artists

I hope they both lose.  

hot take: maybe The Simpsons, the fans and the world are better served by *not* making another video game. I don’t see any set of circumstances where anyone (except certain shareholders) has their lives improved by the existence of another attempt at this. Even the one good video game (the arcade brawler) was an

it’s a pretty different game at lower player counts and different strategies will absolutely come into play. Even just the pink power cards alone will drastically change depending on the number of other players. I don’t mind 5 personally but 3 or 4 is the sweet spot. 2 is a little sparse for me (though the newest

If they’re going to announce the Calico port (I hate the new name, but I’ve been wanting to play the physical version for a while), I wish Monster Couch could have leaked a date for the next Wingspan DLC too.

the Riddler Mario Kart time trials were awful too.

i want them both to bankrupt and finished.  Who do I donate to in order to make that happen?

came here to say the same thing.  Also, have you ever had a fresh-grown orange, like right off the tree? That shit is not to be underestimated. It’s the 4K version of frozen Sunkist concentrate’s CRTV image.

Well, that seems like an awful technicality. Boo.

wouldn’t have hurt the film’s take, but there is the smallest of chances it would have increased the cost, so nope!

they absolutely will not.  You’d have more luck asking for a sex scene in the inevitable Kirby film.  

The Switch’s lifespan is just wild to me.  It’s a fairly old system, but it feels so short.  All these launch games don’t seem that old to me.  

as far as the next movie and plans beyond that, absolutely. But I bet they’ve planned an unannounced tie-in game planned to announce after the film’s release since they get-go. The movie could have done a fraction of the business and I bet it still would have been a big boost to the sales of the games.

this is an absolutely valid theory. I think the answer would depend on how popular Mario is outside of Japan and the West.  I don’t know what the answer would be in, say, India or China.

so... it’s been a bit of a minute since we’ve had a *real* Mario game come out. I feel like Nintendo would be absolute fucking morons not to strike while the iron is hot and announce one now. Even if it doesn’t drastically shake up the franchise wtih any new innovations, maybe even especially then. They could

i think they peaked with Arkham City, but that one was absolutely a masterwork. I think it was as much about getting better as it was realizing their strengths and playing to them.  I wish they’d remembered that for Arkham Knight (I had a LOT of issues with the Batmobile and its many uses)

Yes. It’s been ages since I played that game but that is one of the bits that has stuck with me.

Back in Totilo’s golden age, he put up a post saying that he was interviewing the developers at Rocksteady and wanted to know if readers had any questions. This was just before Arkham City’s release and I told him to ask how they were going to improve boss fights. Stephen responded and said that the developers laughed

i didn’t mind the original Okumura. The dungeon was incredibly slow-paced (the prospect of going through it a second time was where I gave up on Royal), but the battle was a fun exercise in using the battle mechanics... you could set up a nice combo of One Mores, baton passes and tag-outs to make short work of the

in a vacuum, yes. compared to the options that the real world has demonstrated to us in the past few decades?  absofuckinglutely not.