it wasn’t a very good game, but I do appreciate that they updated the combat engine to feel more like Vesperia-era with free run and all that. I kind of wish they’d do that with the first one.
it wasn’t a very good game, but I do appreciate that they updated the combat engine to feel more like Vesperia-era with free run and all that. I kind of wish they’d do that with the first one.
Berseria was fine. I thought I was going to hate it because it was such a huge departure. But it was good enough. I didn’t like that the main character’s combat abilities overshadowed the others to such a degree. It felt like the first Tales game where you really couldn’t use one of the other characters. Xillia had a…
does anyone remember what the remastered Vesperia ran at?
I loved Three Houses, but I wouldn’t mind if they made a handful of games that backed off from those tendencies. I think they probably have enough of an audience for both styles of FE games that they could probably pseudo-split the franchise.
“9th entry Baghdad”
ugh... seriously?
no offense, but i’m not sure i want a longer lifespan when the realities of climate change are this certain and depressing-- Just to name one problem that we are currently aware of and doing virtually nothing to address, much less solve. This is some pollyanna crap that says that if we all had a little bit of money,…
i’ve seen so many friends invest in fancy instruments that never get used... i’m glad my biggest folly was a used copy of the KORG DS “game” that only got played for 1 minute.
Grimoire Weiss is probably seething right now. But that’s just because it’s his natural state. He’s mostly just trying to ignore this video.
...maybe with some re-thought twists to turn- and class-based mechanics, something in the vein of what Bravely Default did?
so how much is the base edition of AC Odyssey? If I’m indifferent enough to wait for this much of a price drop, why am I going to care if the game comes with DLC? I feel like I run into this a lot whenever I consider taking a chance on any of the new wave of AC games. And why haven’t they broken the $10 mark yet? I…
ha ha! they thought they were going 2B on a date with her.
also, add in the fact that the acronym of X Box One X is... XBOX .
I think there are enough permanent buffs, etc in Hades that it could appeal to you.
I have to work it out anew each time I hear about the consoles. I get where you’re coming from. Nothing about the word ‘one’ or ‘series’ is inherently more or less advanced than the other.
I feel like Splatoon is a game that probably wouldn’t have come out on anything but the Wii U (though the sequels do show that it can be done pretty well without that console’s unique features) and that it alone justifies that console’s existence.
good catch, there.
i’m paying $5/mo for HBO Max right now. I think it’s a good streaming service—between Ghibli, TCM and Adult Swim, it might even be my favorite. The HBO stuff is honestly just gravy.
“did a netflix write this article?” was exactly where my mind went, too.