i wasn’t being 100% serious with my response there. Still, you’d think they wouldn’t run more ads if it wasn’t profitable to do so, but at this point the profit from more ads on a tanking site like this might just mean a smaller loss, I guess.
i wasn’t being 100% serious with my response there. Still, you’d think they wouldn’t run more ads if it wasn’t profitable to do so, but at this point the profit from more ads on a tanking site like this might just mean a smaller loss, I guess.
I don’t need more mobile games, sorry. No matter how good they are.
how is that even possible with the sheer volume of ads that I have to close to read even the shortest article on this site? They should be able to afford to reanimate and hire Faulkner with that much money.
punishment for being a stick in the mud about the Xenoblade series, I guess. :)
it sounds like this Jason Schreier guy wrote an informative article about this topic. Maybe this site should consider hiring him...?
Given a choice between playing CoD or paying a fine, I’d open my wallet too!
i would have never noticed this if these people hadn’t whined about it. I’m just looking forward to playing the damn game.
I’d pay actual money for a theme that visually turned the Switch eShop into the Wii Shop and played that damn song on a loop.
i’m not even a Drake fan, but I love this:
I also like it for being able to see trailers without going into the eShop.
we got *this*, but didn’t get themes or a number of the free VOD streaming services. PS5 is goin’ great!
I was fine with XC2 (it worked, i enjoyed it enough to finish it, will never touch it again), but couldn’t believe how much better Torna ended up being, especially in terms of user-friendliness and not wasting the player’s time (we’ll leave the gated sections of the story aside for the moment). Has this game learned…
fair enough. i wondered if it was something like that, but I wasn’t sure if they were going to be that “final fantasy” about it. I just feel like the tonal difference between X and the other games in the series is so large that it feel like if they had, say, put Moogles into The Spirits Within.
I never finished Xenoblade X so maybe this is already done, but I would love to hear a lore explanation of how it is that Nopons exist in that world when it is unconnected to the other games in the series. It feels really strange and jarring.
good. this guy sounds like he deserves everything he’s getting.
I’d say that Everything Everywhere... is a counterpoint to this, but even there, it wasn’t a megahit and mostly profitable because it had a smaller budget (and even as original as it was, it apparently leaned into comic-y action sequences). This is why I hate the ballooning of film budgets. It leaves no room for…
A D&D movie that resembles Lord of the Rings or the first 2/3 of the Lego Movie has absolutely no appeal to me. I’d rather eat glass.
plus, you know they’d be starting out with a mere 8-16 tracks again and have to work their way back up again.
hohokum is also on Switch, fyi.
plus, MK 8 was great. I’d probably be fine if they just ported it upwards indefinitely and essentially made it a platform for new tracks to get added to do, scrapping the idea of sequels permanently for MK. Not an idea i endorse for a lot of things, but i’d rather buy $60 worth of tracks than any new MK game I could…