The Cap'n

GRRM’s bit is not huge, but I think it’s just enough to put it over the top.

The game is a blast, even when I’m constantly dying (I freely admit that I kinda suck at it). Horseback combat, though, is one thing in the game that is not doing it for me. I keep missing, jumping off his back and countless other gaffes. I have a good sense of humor about the game, but I think I’ll stick to fighting o

doesn’t help that there seems to be a near-perfect correlation between the game’s darkest rooms and the presence of lifts.

Those lobster/whatever are just aggressive as hell. I think they’ve one-shotted me more than anything in the whole game. I definitely serpentine my escape pattern from them now. Only thing worse is the bears, who can outrun your horse and aggro you like you insulted them personally.

i haven’t done a whole lot in the “underworld” yet so it took me quite a while to figure that out.  It is definitely *not* obvious and probably needs to be called out.  Works the same on PS4, btw.

Great game, and I actually find myself laughing all the time while playing it. The enemies are just flat out absurd (Godrick and his flamethrower, anyone?) and once you become completely detached from your Tarnished’s fate and pain, you can really enjoy the bleak comedy of it all. One time I was on a beach, killing

I remember really wanting to play this game and then being just absolutely unfailingly bored with every second of gameplay. I hated the mechanisms and my biggest memory is that every level felt loooooong... just overstuffed with monotonous enemies and combat. I think the story did deserve a better, weirder game.

I wonder if the fact that Black House essentially retcons the entire Talisman series as an appendage of The Dark Tower series is going to make it harder to adapt. There’s literally a chapter that serves no other purpose than being “Dark Tower for Dummies”

Also, keep in mind that he has boasted that the laws (and thus, protections) of Earth nations will not apply in space.  Thus, he can just price gouge your Musk Scrip (muskrip) however he wants to keep you from getting out from under his control.

I won’t lie.  I’m halfway considering this just for Bauhaus alone.  I don’t think any of the days have more than a band or 2 that I’d want to see otherwise, but I’d drop a couple hundo to see Bauhaus just by themselves.

Would you *want* an MK story mode?  I’d pass on that, personally.

It’s only a formula until it’s not. You’re right, but I’m not setting my watch by it.

I’d agree to that only if they incorporate some of the aspects of Diddy Kong Racing into it.

the difference is simple.

Good! Why would I want a sequel they’re doing what they should have been all along? They’re giving the game a healthy variety of tracks. If they ever do Mario Kart 9, it will probably go back to a small handful of tracks (not to mention, trying to distinguish itself with some stupid gimmick like submarines or magical

This is a very eloquent and rational-sounding rebuttal that avoids the usual name-calling and I thank you for it.

Thank you for this.

My only awareness of this franchise anymore is through business articles like this one.  

Are they not doing that thing now where they show you tweets from people who your followed accounts follow, or tweets that they liked that have nothing to do with you? because I remember getting that for a long time. I turned it off once and then it got turned back on later. It was really annoying. It sounds pretty

I don’t like shaming people for liking things that some dominant element of our culture has branded “juvenile,” but there’s something different about Disney that really sets me on edge. It’s something weirdly monopolistic and insular that I can’t sum up easily. I think about the fact that I’ve known a few Disney