yes, when i think of “principles”, Ubisoft is the first thing that comes to mind. Shame. I was thinking of picking up a copy of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey soonish. Now I’ll have to find something else to play.
yes, when i think of “principles”, Ubisoft is the first thing that comes to mind. Shame. I was thinking of picking up a copy of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey soonish. Now I’ll have to find something else to play.
Really surprised by all of the love for Tales of Arise. After playing the re-release of Vesperia, it felt flat and soulless. There were a few back to basics touches that I appreciated (the return of cooking quests and a “Wonder Chef” type NPC, and the first good aerial combat in over a decade), but the combat system…
Hades is the best video game that I can remember playing in the last... five? six? years. Maybe more. Every aspect of it is incredibly strong. I wonder how SG will manage to top it.
I’d bet folding money that Hades on the PS5 doesn’t even look notably better than it does on my Switch 1.0.
yes, and the Steam port seems like it would be well-designed for pass and play on a Switch.
Deep Sea Adventure is incredibly enjoyable, though I wonder if it will lose some of its charm not being played on an actual table. Also, I’ve never been able to get enough interested people together to play Fake Artist, so this is a welcome development.
Reading about these waits reminds me why i can’t play this, no matter how good it is (even aside from the multiplayer aspect, which is kind of a turn off). It could be Persona 6 or Hades 2, and I still couldn’t deal with waiting in a queue like that for a mere game. Hell, I begin to get stabby when I have to wait the…
First Kellogg and now this... not that I buy from either company, but I’m taking a bit of a hit trying to keep the strikers afloat.
Quest director is a fascinating title to me, and I’d love to see this site dig into that job description at some point. What, in a game like this, wouldn’t qualify as a Quest? is this a rewarding job? What’s your background? Writing? If you don’t do something like this, I hope someone like Axios might....
yeah, that’s me and Pikmin 3.... sigh.
I’ll say this, too... I feel like this is the worst Black Friday showing I’ve seen from Nintendo. It’s usually one of their best sales of the year and a relatively newer big title will usually go on sale for the first time, or something will get a deeper discount than usual. This just feels like a normal sale for most…
OK, but where’s the Untitled Goose? Without him, this is 0/10, going right in the trash.
I don’t see why it wouldn’t; Little Caesar’s is closer to Detroit style than Pizza Hut is.
That’s it??? that’s really awful and indistinct. ugh.
Really hoping for a sale on Pikmin 3...
I bought XC2 on a black friday eShop sale the year after it came out. Generally it seems to happen just over once a year, so you should be able to find something. If nothing else, wait for Black Friday this year and you might save a few bucks
Final Fantasy 8 seems to attract time-wasting. One of my roommates in college was determined to earn the Tonberry King and wandered a desert, finding and killing 100 (maybe 50? I’ve erased certain details from my memory) Tonberries in order to do so. And these were random encounters, so it took forever. And they were…
Eh, this is fine. About time Xbox had an interesting exclusive that you didn’t have to put an asterisk on.
Guess what? It’s only going to change if people stop buying buying their products. Otherwise, this becomes an implicitly acceptable way to turn a profit. If you buy an Activision game now, you are voting for these people with your wallet. Worse, if their profits go up, corporations will start finding ways to…
I didn’t realize that Iron Harvest kept the animal companions from Scythe. That’s kind of cool, actually.