Cosmic Bitch

That's a little harsh there. Some people might just find it visually appealing.

I'm always so jealous of those people with blue hair and blonde eyes.

Their surgery was a success! Good job surgeons.

She meant that as a hypothetical question. Which she then answered (muscle and spine problems).

No, he is 17. He was born in 1994.

Seriously. They phrased it like the parents are the victims and the son is the bad guy because it's apparently his fault that lost the will to live.

This is why the DHARMA Initiative had to be purged.

I'm not much of a Coldplay person but this song is ridiculously catchy to me. The video is just sorta weird though.

See, this is one of those things that isn't illegal because it shouldn't NEED to be illegal because people should know better than to do it in the first place.

These aren't even good hipster jokes. Real hipsters don't listen to Coldplay.

Is this some sort of meta-hipster joke?

So they want women to have unwanted pregnancies, and they are doing what they can to limit definitely wanted children? Glad we're clear on that.

She's obviously some sort of cyborg. Those are her arm implants.

Exactly. Now I wonder if he supports the dead penalty or the wars.

Does this mean people can go to college here soon?

"The cake is baked."

Wow, that's adorable. Does he do the laugh at the end?

My new goal in life is to either A) convince all authority figures that I am a dangerous shape-shifting robot that must not be angered or B) actually become a dangerous shape-shifting robot.