Cosmic Bitch

I like Jujube, but Jelly Bean works too.

Are you sure that's a mouse?

Doctor Crane?

Exactly! It's modern medicine. They aren't cavemen, are they? Come look at the science.

Damn, that's a good one.

That would actually be an interesting costume, although I'm not sure if it would be starting or ending conversations.

No, Hanzo swords are only 42 inches long. Not that I looked at Hanzo swords on Amazon after watching Kill Bill or anything.

She used a goddamn five foot sword to attack his property. She should be in jail with high bail right now.

A five foot sword? That's impressive.

For a second I read WEARING lipstick and high heels. That was an amusing mental image.

I love V-necks on both genders! The first one the guy had on in the beginning is as deep as a guy should go though. I think I may be slowly morphing into a hipster.

It's still better than "Jesus Ween."

Seriously? Can't they just have it be "All-Saint's Eve" or something, which it actually is?

Why do they care? Is there really nothing else they'd rather do with that money?

That's messed up. They already put him in jail but didn't let Amanda out until now?

I just hope that we haven't shot our wad prematurely.

Wow. I understand that sometimes the journey for equal rights can go a bit too far and start making double standards against men, but really?

All I remember from the 90s was slow, chunky computers and bizarre cartoons. My memory really doesn't start until the 00s. I know about history in the eighties, and I can remember the new millenium, but it's like the 90s just never happened.

Wow, nice blanket statement there. Are you going to say that all men are rapists or all women are stupid now or something?

Only disagreement there: not a pedophile. Pedophiles are not typically attracted to 13 year olds. This is more like hebephilia. (Not in anyway justifying, just making a distinction.)